Well, Milo did not get woken up today. Too bad too. We were really looking forward to it.
The head doctor came in last night to check him out and realized that his tongue was VERY swollen and it would not be safe to take out the breathing tube in that condition. If his tongue is too swollen it can block his air way and that would not be good. Putting a breathing tube back in is not as easy as leaving the current one in.
So we are patiently waiting for his swelling to go down. We are actively putting moisturizing cream on his tongue and moist gauze as often as possible. I guess if your tongue hung out of your mouth for 5 days, it’d get dried out and swollen too.
Milo is taking it with a grain of salt though. He is more communicative. He knows what he wants. He’ll grab at things now so it is necessary that he be tied down. He will sit up when he feels uncomfortable. He is coughing out a lot of secretion too which is good. At least it is not gathering in his lungs. His temperature is a little higher today, but nothing that is of any concern. He is receiving fat and protein via I.V. now because he is looking very skinny! He will have LOTS of weight to gain back after all of this is over.
The ipod continues to be the source of greatest enjoyment right now. He enjoys listening to his favorite stories and some he’s never heard before. They are hoping to take all the tubes off tomorrow. We hope they will. His healing can’t really progress until that is taken off and he can communicate and act for himself. It will help all of us too because it won’t be so much of a guessing game.
We continue to have hope and are so happy despite this set back. We know that the Lord is watching over him and this too shall pass. All of our love to all of you!
[Can you tell how much the swelling has gone down? I sure can. He’s definitely going to have a different look.]
He is looking great. You really can tell that the swelling has gone down. What an amazing little boy and what amazing parents he has. As always, our hearts and prayers are with you. When he does wake up, tell him hi from Riley and Tyler. They are very interested in how he is doing and continue to pray for him.
Our prayers are with you. Way to go Milo. You are doing great. Keep listening to all those cool songs and stories. I love to listen to stories too. Love ya, Aunt Cindy
From Toby: Hi Milo. I miss you.
MILO! You look amazing and are such an awesome brave boy. We’ve been out of town for awhile, but you guys and Milo have been on our minds A LOT! Glad to hear that everything is going well. You’re right Sami, he looks remarkably different. You are all in our prayers.
Toby can’t wait to visit Milo. I told him if he really wants to play superheroes it would have to be with little action figures so Milo wouldn’t get hurt. He said, “6 weeks is a long time Mom.” Let us know if/when Toby would be allowed to come visit.