Sami's World


Pride…..good or bad??

on May 3, 2009

[Keri is such a ham! She loves to smile and laugh and her siblings love her so much]

With April over I realized that my updates have gotten less and less. What’s interesting is that I realized I have to make choices. The month of April I chose cleaning and sleep over blogging. So sorry to all my fans out there but I felt it the better choice. And yet, having said that, I feel more tired and my house is dirtier……I wonder how that works!!

We had our bug guy come out and evaluate our dead rodent problem. He said we were basically out of luck because there was NO way he could fit in our attic and rummage around for a dead rodent. He also said that he isn’t so convinced it died in the attic, it’s probably dead in the wall. There really isn’t any evidence of rodent activity (he’s right. When I went up there I looked for signs of rodents and found none). Anyway, he said just a few more hot days and the body would be decomposed enough for the stink to go away. He was right! Now we only smell it on REALLY hot days. If you get close to the ceiling for any reason the smell is a little stronger, but for the most part things are smelling sweeter around here…..

I had an ego boosting experience on Thursday April 30. I went in for my usual blood donation. When they took me into the room for the “health” evaluation there were two of them. One supervising the other.

For small talk lady 1 says ‘have you had a busy day?’
‘Yes’ I say, ‘six kids usually makes for a busy day’. Boy did that start things going, but in a good way.
Lady 2 says ‘You have SIX kids?’
Lady 2: ‘WOW, you look GREAT for having 6 kids’
Me: ‘Thanks!’
Lady 2: ‘No really. You look so relaxed and happy and beautiful.’
Me: Again I thank her and tell her how wonderful my children are and how much I love them and enjoy them and they make life easy for me.

During all this lady 1 took my iron and it was too low. She suggested that sometimes if another person comes in and takes the iron the reading will be higher. I agree, why not.

As lady 3 walks in lady 2 says: ‘Look at her’ (referring to me) ‘She has SIX kids.’
Lady 3: ‘So I just have to have 2 more kids to look as good as her?’
Me: ‘You have four kids, how wonderful. You look great too’
Lady 3: ‘Uh, no I don’t!’ and proceeds to show me her gray hairs.
Lady 2: Referring to me ‘She has such beautiful shiny hair, and smooth skin and she’s happy and smiling and just looks great’ The other two ladies agree.

Ok, at this point my pride is just busting. They have boosted my ego way more than any one person should have to endure in a day. At this point I decide to “wow” them even more.

Me: ‘In case you were wondering I home school too’. Should have seen the looks on their faces!
Lady 1: ‘So you have six kids 24 HOURS a day?’
Me: ‘Yep’
Lady 2: ‘Have you ever thought of having 7 kids?’
Me: I know I could raise 7 kids, just not so sure I could do another pregnancy.
Lady 2: ‘No, I meant you could have mine.’

We all laugh. Then my second iron reading comes back LOWER than what it was the first time. Guess I wasn’t meant to give blood that day, but boy did they make me feel so good about myself. None of them, especially lady 2, could give me enough compliments. Be it prideful or arrogant, it sure felt good to be praised like that by strangers.

2 Responses to “Pride…..good or bad??”

  1. Denita says:

    That is AWESOME. I do think you look good for having so many little ones, and in my honest opinion, I think you ALWAYS look so happy. But I suppose that’s what happens when you have the Gospel and you live it! The low iron could be making you tired… take an iron supplement and then we could all be reading your lovely blog updates more often!! :-)

  2. Jill says:

    Sami, we all feel the same way about you!! Go ahead and feel that way, too. It’s definitely not pride! I will miss you so much. You ALWAYS put me in a good mood and trust me, some days that’s a difficult thing to do.