Sami's World


Excitement at our house

on December 6, 2007

Not to gross anyone out or anything but…..

The kids wanted Top Ramen for lunch today (the lunch of champions) so I went out into the garage to get some. Apparently we don’t eat Ramen very often. I grabbed a package and it was completely empty. I thought that was weird and grabbed another one. It was then that it accured to me that we had some unwanted guests making themselves at home in our garage.

I promptly called Scott to let him know the situation. I am completely unsettled about the whole thing, Scott is like a kid in a candy store. He got home and walked out in the garage to find some traps and saw one of the “guests” run down a hole. He came in all excited, ‘I knew just where to put the first trap’. About an hour later, we are sitting here in the living room just talking and he goes ‘I just heard a snap’. He jumps up and runs to the garage. Sure enough we hear a sqeak, sqeak noise.

Scott comes back in and says he’s only caught by a foot and has to get “tough”. If you want to know the rest of the story, ask him. This just happened. He came back in and said the mouse’s buddy was trying to help him but dashed away as soon as Scott came out. He’s out there setting another trap. I wish I had his enthusiasm for all this. All I know, is that I’m staying out of the garage till all the carnage is cleaned up.

Hope you all are having a good night…… :-/

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