Sami's World


Too long again

on December 2, 2007

We’ve had a pretty busy life lately. The week of Thanksgiving I was suppose to have my daycare kids. I talked with the mom and dad and only had one of them Monday and Tuesday. Scott took off Wednesday so we could get ready for Thanksgiving day and the trip to my moms Thanksgiving weekend. On Wednesday morning I went to my friend Laura’s house and we made pie crusts together. Actually she did most of the making and I did most of the messing up. But in the end I came home with 6 pie crusts. I ran to the store for last minute things before heading back home. I got home in enough time to have lunch with the fam and get going on chores. Scott did some outside chores while the kids and I did inside chores. We all went to bed on time, it would be an early morning.

Thanksgiving morning started at 5 am. I started the stuffing and then had a good 45 minutes till I needed to do anything else. So I started reading Mrs Frisby and the Rats of Nimh (Jaime had to read it for school so I thought I better read it too so that I can help her if needed). Scott got up about 6:30 to start rolls and I was well into getting the turkey ready when all the kids woke up. Because of the nature of kids we had to halt our current preparations and get breakfast ready and get them settled and then we started back into our preparations. We had the turkey in the oven and the rolls rising in good time. The rest of the day was spent preparing everything else. We had mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, fruit salad, deviled eggs, layered jello, stuffing, rolls and turkey. It was quite the meal and very yummy. We also had 4 pumpkin pies, banana cream pie, apple pie and boysenberry pie, plus ice cream and whipped cream. We invited two other families over which brought the total of people eating 20. It was fun!! After the guest left we cleaned up and finished our preparations to go to Fresno and visit with Grandma Ackerman and Auntie Sara.

We left Fremont at 6 am and headed to Fresno. We had considered stopping at some stores and taking advantage of their after Thanksgiving sales, but decided it would be better to get on the road. Our purpose in going to grandma’s was to help her get her house in order. They have been so sick that they have not been able to do much in the way of unpacking and organizing. Plus they realized that the arrangement had to change a little. So while Auntie Sara was busy with five little children, Scott and I rearranged rooms while Mom went through boxes and sorted through her stuff. We got all the moving accomplished the first day and 7 boxes gone through. Saturday started early and once again Auntie Sara was put to the test. We went through 6 more boxes. By the end of the day only 5 small boxes remained. Everything else had either been thrown away, put away or given away. It was a good feeling for all. While we were there we also had a birthday party for Niah. Thanks grandma and Auntie Sara, we all had fun. We arrived home about 9 pm Saturday night. After unloading the necessities we crashed. We were pretty tired from the long weekend of work, but it felt good.

Sunday was crazy with me being in Primary and Scott in Sunday school and Afton not wanting to be in nursery. We seemed to cope though and all was well. We lazed around and relaxed most of the day. About 3 we got up and started preparing dinner for the missionaries. I made two different enchilada recipes to see which one they liked best. It was a fun evening.

Monday was easy and low key. Just school and chores and FHE.

Tuesday Scott took the day off of work. I had a ton of things to do and I planned them all for that day. Jaime and Alix had a field trip at the the local In-in-Out burger. They give early morning tours and then everyone on the tour gets a free meal. For those interested, during the tour they said they have purchased some land in Utah and if all goes well, they are planning on building two there by next year. Anyway that went from 8:30 – 10:30. We jetted home and I picked up Milo and took him to a doctors appointment. I got home at noon, dropped him off and met up with a friend who was going to help me pick up some more water barrels. There were enough people asking that I did one more small order. I got back to Fremont around 1:30 and made some deliveries. I got home by 4. After putting dinner in the oven, getting Jaime and Niah ready I headed out again. Jaime was suppose to meet at a friends house at 5:45 to practice a song they are suppose to sing for church. So I dropped her off and Niah and I headed out for her birthday date. It was pretty fun. We went to the book store and she picked out a new book, then we went to the ice cream store and enjoyed an ice cream together. We made it home in enough time for Scott to head off to a meeting. I put all the kids to bed and then waited up for Jaime. As soon as she got home the two of us retired. It had been a long day and I was tired!! After Jaime practiced with Maranda for their song, they went to Achievement days together. Scott reported that his meeting went well too.

The rest of the week was pretty normal and mundane. School, chores, cooking etc. On Wednesday Jen Lease and I put on a baby shower for a sister in the ward. She is from Peru and doesn’t speak English too well. She is such a great lady but doesn’t know too many people because of the language barrier. But we had about 12 ladies show up. It was a great turn out, for this ward anyway. She got a TON of gifts and it seems as though she felt very welcomed and loved.

Saturday Scott and I were suppose to go on a date. We’ve arranged this with another family in the ward. We’ve babysat their kids and so it was their turn. Unfortunatly all of our kids had been sick during the week and it just keeps getting worse. So by Saturday morning I didn’t feel good about exposing her kids to the sickness so we called and cancelled with them. I was pretty bummed because we won’t get another opprotunity for a while, with Christmas being crazy and all. But it turned out fine. We did our Saturday chores in the morning and then decorated for Christmas in the afternoon. We then ran a couple of errands and then came home and had dinner. The kids were not healthy at all but endured our day anyway.

I kept the kids home today from church. They are all sneezing and coughing and boogery and I didn’t feel good about exposing all the kids at church. We’ve spent the day watching Christ centered Christmas movies and resting. I hope the kids get better soon. This confinment is no fun!!

That is the news for now. Alix lost another tooth and now has 3 missing teeth, the adult teeth haven’t poked through yet. Afton is doing well with talking, she says ‘up’, ‘down’, ‘out’, ‘drink’, ‘no’ and ‘ahhhhhhh’. Such good vocabulary!!!

Hope all is well with everyone. We love you and miss you much.

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