Scott has called me to repentance!! :0) He informed me last night that I had not made an entry since the 4 of November. I guess I better head the councel of my husband and write an entry……
Tuesday November 6 was the Stake Roadshow. We volunteered our van as a way to get kids/props from one building to another. They took us up on our offer and the busy day began. I took Scott to the shuttle in the morning with the assurance he would call me when he was ready to come home. He called about 11:00 and said to come get him at noon (becuase of the roadshow he would not be able to take the shuttle home and be in time for roadshow and I needed the car to take and pick up kids from school, so this was the only solution). When I arrived to pick him up he said we could go to the main cafe and he’d get me some lunch. So as I drove up to drop him off, I realized I was dropping him in a “shuttle zone” and had a few “Googlers” try and get in the van. Opps!! The same thing happened 5 minutes later when I circled around to pick him up again! It was worth it though, the food was AWESOME. We got home and Scott locked himself in the room and did work from home. Jaime and Alix’s teacher came to make sure my children are recieving a proper education. We passed with flying colors. I then had to go get my daycare kids from school. We did homework and chores and then we got all the kids ready to go and headed out. We figured it’d be easiest to grab some burgers, so we did and then headed to the church. I dropped Scott and the kids off at one place and took Jaime to the starting place. They did a great job and I don’t think the audience stopped laughing the whole time. We quickly gathered everyone up and headed to the next building. They got the same response and we were sure we were the best! When it came to handing out awards we got a courtesy award. I was told later it was because we broke all the rules! We went over time 3 minutes, we only had 1 youth (the whole skit was suppose to be only youth) and we didn’t stick to the theme. Oh well, we were still the best! We got home pretty late but it was a fun night and everyone had a great time, especially Jaime.
Wednesday we had an Enrichment meeting. We were having a Thanksgiving dinner. Each sister brought their favorite dish that they make at Thanksgiving. I made the turkey and stuffing, my favorite part. It came out perfect and was GONE. It was such a nice evening and I really enjoyed sitting and talking with all the wonderful women in my ward.
Thursday was Milo’s dentist appointment. He has no cavities and his teeth are healthy and strong. Yay! We went to Jaime’s dance class in the evening and then came home and enjoyed a night free of business.
Friday, Saturday,Sunday and Monday were EASY days. Nothing planned and nothing done! We did the usual chores and such, but really, it was a very relaxing four days.
That brings us to yesterday, Tuesday November 13. Milo had an eye appointment in Oakland. So we spent the morning doing as much school as possible. I dropped off the two little kids and the rest of us headed to Oakland. Milo had been complaining of his eyes hurting and the doctor said he wanted to see him if he ever started doing this. So I took him in. He said he is having a little more difficulty with his eyes but things are still OK. The doctor said he’s “getting a little impatient with his colegues” about when they are going to do the face surgery. For the first time he mentioned that he will definitly have to do eye surgery in about 3 years. That’s the first time he’s actually commited to having to do it. Milo is pretty blind in his left eye, but doing glasses before the surgery would be pretty silly. So he will reevalute a few months after surgery and decide about glasses then. After that appointment we went home and grab the little ones. We played for a few minutes and then did an errand and then came home. I made a quick dinner, we picked up Scott and then I headed out for the cannery. The young women had taken on the assignment and we met at the church. They piled into the van and we headed to Santa Clara. It was a great time. The girls LOVED it and were glad they had come. I always enjoy the cannery. We canned 200 cans of sugar in 1 hour. It was awesome! As soon as I got home, we emptied the van and then went to bed. While I was gone, Jaime went to achievment days and reported that she had a great time.
Some other news……
The other day the kids were telling eachother jokes. Alix says, ‘why did the chicken cross the road?’ Milo says ‘why’ Alix says ‘to get hit by a car’. They both just crack up laughing. Then Milo says ‘why did daddy cross the road?’ Alix says ‘why’ Milo says ‘so he could get hit by a car’. Again they both start cracking up. Think what you will, all I could do is laugh.
I got a new calling on Sunday. I am still the Provident Living Leader till they find a new one, but my new current calling is 1st councler in the Primary presidency. I’m very excited about the calling. I’m working with two women, one old enough to be my mom and the other one old enough to be my grandma. They are amazing women and I can’t wait to see what the next year will hold for the three of us. I’m going to miss going to R.S. every week but being with the kids will be worth it. They are amazing.
Niah continues to amaze us. The nursery leaders stopped me on Sunday to tell me she had to break up kissing between Niah and a little boy. We already know that Niah and Logan LOVE eachother, but we didn’t realize it had gone this far….. She is going to be our next dancer. She’s already got most of Jaime’s dance moves down to a science. I’m very impressed at her abilities. That is the way Jaime was at this age.
Alix continues to be ‘left out’. We can’t find anything she really wants to do or is interested in. She is struggling in piano and has decided maybe she should wait till she is 7. I was glad she decided that. It makes things easier for all of us. But now she has no extra cirricular activities. I’m not sure what to do for her.
Afton is getting bigger each day. She is trying so hard to use words and communicate. She won’t self feed herself, but that’s mostly my fault. I don’t want to clean up the mess. So I’m bound to feeding her myself. At least I don’t have to feed anyone else. All the other kids have that down. She is still my skinny minney. She is still in 9-12 month clothes. I guess that’s “normal” I’m just used to my big kids.
We love you all and are so grateful for you all. Especially at this time when we think about thanks so much, we can’t help but think of how you all have blessed our lives greatly. Thank you for all your love and support. We love you and miss you all a lot.
Great update! I’ve been wondering what was keeping you so busy you didn’t post anything! So Camille got released…what is her new calling, or is she moving out of the ward? Who are you going to be serving with?