Sami's World


March Madness Part 3

on April 3, 2009

Scott is such a wonderful husband. He really does spoil me…. Growing up we ALWAYS cooked rice on the stove. When we got married we got a steamer as a gift and you could cook rice in it. That was the way I did it for 8 years of our marriage. Then it broke and we never got a new one. I figured I could cook rice on the stove again. Well, for 2 years this family endured under cooked/over cooked rice with a smile (well, most of the time). Till one day I was just so fed up that I called Scott and said that I wanted a rice cooker. He came home with one that night! Guess he was fed up with it too. Thanks Scott!! :0) Growing up we listened to all kinds of music but one of the favorites was Niel Diamond. When mom went all CD/DVD she gave us all her cassette tapes and VHS tapes. Within the collection were her old Neil Diamond tapes. One of the kids tried to listen to one and, not being experienced with cassette tapes, totally ruined the tape and the walkman. I was a little more than disappointed but tried to remember I can’t take Niel to heaven, only my kids. Well, Scott, being the awesome guy that he is, found all of the Neil Diamond songs on CD and got them for me. He didn’t tell me about and just gives them to me one day. I have been in Neil Diamond heaven for weeks! Thanks babe! You are great.

One Response to “March Madness Part 3”

  1. Denita says:

    Righteous husbands are awesome! Any more updates for us? Miss you.