Sami's World


Miss me?

on October 26, 2007

We’ll here we go again. It’s been a while, I hadn’t even realized.

Since General Conference when they talked about trying to simplify life, I have seriously considered simplifying life. So last week was a trial run. Here goes.

Monday October 15, stayed home!!

Tuesday October 16, stayed home!! Jaime did have roadshow practice in the evening.

Wednesday October 17, forced to leave! Milo had a dr appointment in Oakland. I dropped the kids at the babysitters and we got to the appointment early enough to catch about 5 minutes of some cartoon called Backyardigains. Not to offend anyone out there but that has to be the worst cartoon I’ve seen in a long time. After about five minutes Milo turns to me and says ‘Mom, do we HAVE to watch this?’. I told him no and that he should go choose a book and we’ll read it together. I’m so glad we don’t have T.V. His appointment was with his audiologist. He was actually able to be conditioned this time. The first time in 3 years that he has been conditioned! He “played” their games perfectly and was able to show them that his hearing is somewhat muffled. They said he deffinitly has fuild on his ears (perhaps tubes again) and that his right ear is having a hard time hearing low sounds. They said that as soon as the frequency rose to the “talking frequency” he could hear just fine. So his ability to hear words and say them correctly is not being affected, but all the sounds below that he can’t hear (whatever those sounds are!!). We left there with the charge to call the ENT and see what he wants to do about the fluid. Unfortunatly, I haven’t done that yet……

Thursday, was a little busier. My 55 gallon water barrels were in and I needed to go pick them up. Wednesday night my truck and trailer cancelled and so did my babysitter. I was pretty desperate. Fortunatly for me we have some WONDERFUL church members and I was able to get last minute backups. We were able to get 13 in my van and the other 27 between the truck and trailer. It was quite the feat but we did it. Most people have come to pick up their barrels, we only have 8 left. We may have to start dropping off at people’s houses!! Jaime had dance class in the afternoon and I had a meeting to polish off the details for the ward Halloween party in the evening. That went well and I came home feeling that the party will be a success.

Friday, Scott had an appointment in the morning (i’ll let him tell you about that) and we went to the church for an Enrichment activity. Scott picked me up from that and I took him to work. The rest of the afternoon was free. Jaime had an activities day that she absolutely loved.

Saturday October 20 was a good day. We spent the morning just cleaning and doing house stuff. In the afternoon we finished off the preparations for our dinner guests and then at 4 we started cooking. We had invited two families over for dinner, the Bennetts and the Stovalls (one with kids and one without) and accidently I signed up the Sister missionaries too. We were going to have a party! Both families we were having over for dinner are vegetarian, so I planned and prepared an all veggie meal. It turned out quite nice and everyone seemed to enjoy it. After the missionaries left, we played a card game and then the guests left. It was a fun party.

Sunday was very low key. We just rested after church and then made a few barrel deliveries and then went to someone’s house for dinner. They are vegetarian too, but they served meat because we were coming to their house. Too funny. It was fun to visit and get to know them better. They are a fun family and we get along really well.

Monday was our pumpkin patch adventure. Not going into much detail, we were suppose to get this great discount at this great pumpkin patch that has everything a kid could hope for. When we got there though, the coordinator had some communication problems and we were not going to get the wonderful discount. It would have cost my little family about $50. It was NOT worth it. So we enjoyed some of the free stuff and had a picnic and then went home. Gayle’s resturant was on the way home. So we stopped there and all the kids got an ice cream and I got a sandwhich. That made the trip all worth it!

Tuesday was a stay home day.

Wednesday we stayed home in the morning/afternoon, but then I had an Enrichment meeting that night.

Thursday we stayed home in the morning and then went to Costco in the afternoon to get all the stuff for the Halloween party. After picking up Scott, he and Jaime went to Roadshow practice.

Today is Friday. Nothing on the plans for today, yay!!

Jaime is doing well in school. She seems to be progressing in piano but her teacher has been gone for three weeks. We pick it back up next week. Dance is going really well and she is learning fast. She is really good about remembering the dance from week to week, but gets too distracted by the other dancers. If they forget she doens’t quite have the confidence to lead the class. She’s getting better though. Her desire to earn money is back. We pulled out the stove the other day. She swept and scrubbed behind it. It took her over an hour. She earned $3. Scott thought perhaps I was a little stingy on my payment. So the next day she washed the slidding glass doors inside and out. So I paid her a dollar, Scott thought that was too much! :0)

Alix is progressing well in school too. She is catching on really well to the routine of school and seems to enjoy it very much. She loves art and I keep trying to get her signed up for art classes but they keep getting cancelled. Now she has decided she wants to do dance. We shall see how that goes. Especially since that will mean two hours of dance every Thursday, I’m not sure I could handle that, or the younger children!

Milo still insists that I teach him to read. I’m quite hesitant though. His writting is getting really good though. We have a practice book that he gets out everyday when the other kids are doing school. He can make anything into a deadly weapon. He was playing rock, paper, scissors with Jaime the other night. He did scissors and then started shooting everyone with it. It was pretty funny.

Niah is Niah. She is so cute. She just says and does the cutest things. She still thinks she is older than she really is. A 2 year old that acts 10 is a pretty scary thing sometimes!

Afton is progressing nicely. 10 days ago she was only walking 10 percent of the time. Now she doesn’t crawl at all. The other day she was walking in circles, carrying a pretend frying pan and plugging her nose. She was laughing at herself while she was doing it, it was sooooo funny! She says mamma and dadda, uh-oh and so many other words I wish we could understand. She plays peek-a-boo, although most of the time she puts her hands over her mouth instead of her eyes!

Scott and I just do the parenting thing. Not too much to report except that we love being parents and are greatful for our kids and their spirit and love. We are very lucky and blessed to have them as our children. Much love to all.

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