Sami's World


Testimony Builder

on March 10, 2009

As I contemplate the impact that the media has on the world and our every day lives I’ve often thought that if the media didn’t report or if somehow we as a society could just ignore it, our lives would be better. Once again the media has chosen The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as it’s focus. At first I was ready and willing to email, call or whatever to let them know that I didn’t like what they were planning on doing. Then, a very wise friend of mine, forwarded me this link

When read in it’s entirety, the article makes sense. Why should we allow others to pick our battles for us? In this life one of the hardest things to do is just let things go. But in some cases we may come off as more mature and better educated by just “letting it go” than if we try and debate it.

Temple worship is holy and sacred to me. I find it helpful for living my everyday life. And no one, especially the media, can take that away from me. They might try to, but only I can let them affect me and irritate me. But that is not God’s way. God’s way is to love our fellow man. Anger is of the devil. If I let the actions of the media make me angry then I am no longer following God’s plan. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t change false things that go on, but it should be done in a loving, educating manner. Not a manner filled with hate or anger.

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