Sami's World


Get Gardening…..

on March 5, 2009

On February 25 the girls and I went to a gardening class at church. The point of the class was to get our starters ready so we wouldn’t have to buy them. It virtually cost me nothing and we have a nice little “green house” sitting on our counter with 16 cups in it. 5 of the cups have been taken out because they reached their “2 leaf quota”. I hope this works. It’s MUCH cheaper than going down to the local garden shop and buying the starters for 3 dollars a pop.

[About 2/3 of the group that came]

Friday February 27 was an awesome day. There is an LDS homeschooling group here. They planned a temple trip. The youth (12 and older) got limited use recommends and did baptisms in the temple while the rest of us (us with kids 12 and under) stayed outside and enjoyed the spirit of the temple. Before the youth went to do baptisms and the rest of us walk around, we all went into the temple waiting room. The temple presidency came out and we all sang ‘The Spirit of God’. It was very moving. The presidency was in tears. After a brief talk to the group, the youth went into the temple and we went out of the temple. What a great way to start a morning, really!! We walked up the stairs and enjoyed the garden on top of the temple.

[all the kids who stayed outside the temple]

We went into the visitors center and enjoyed some amazing presentations in there. One of the presentations, on family and the sanctity of marriage, had me in tears the entire time. This whole “sanctity of marriage” thing is real. Once sealed, it binds families together for time and all eternity. I was very grateful that I took the time and effort to attend this very special, wonderful day. I have it on my calendar to do it with them again in November. Perhaps the most exciting part of the day was watching the spirit overcome my children. They were all VERY well behaved. They made new friends and were happy to be there. They did not fight with each other or anyone else the rest of the day. It was an awesome experience and I know the kids felt it too. Even Keri was awesome! The temple is one of the most wonderful places on earth and I am so glad that we get to partake in the blessings of having a temple. I am so grateful that our loving Father in Heaven has seen fit to bless us so abundantly. This was made very apparent to me while we were there. The people in the group were very nice too. I had not attended any activities before this one and I’m so glad that I did. It was nice to see families big enough that there were 3 BMW’s (Big Mormon Wagon’s) in the parking lot belonging to members of this group. It was nice to see big families enjoying each other and happy to be with each other. It was fun to see the youth interact and get along so well, not one left out. It was just a great experience.

Saturday the 28 was a busy day too. Scott spent it in the service of this fellow man; moving a table, helping at the cannery, dropping off cannery items at people’s homes, watching the kids so I could take a two hour nap, making a D.I run, dropping our lawn mower off for someone else to use…. He’s a great guy. I love him so much! I spent the day cleaning and sleeping!! :0)

It’s been raining for a good week solid. Mostly just a constant drizzle. A few real good down pours. I have really, really enjoyed it. I never really saw myself as a rainy weather lover, but I guess it’s been dry long enough. I am loving this rain and the wet and the opportunity to stay home and enjoy it from the inside!!

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