It’s been such a great week that I must report on the happenings now.
Monday is usually my stay at home day and do as much school as I can. Then we do our chores and anticiapte dad coming home. But I decided to go check out another home schooling P.E. group that meets on Monday’s at 1:30. We had such a good time. The kids are older and there are more of them. Probably the most amazing part of this group, is the size of the families. My family almost looked small compared to these families. There were four, count them four, full size extended vans in the parking lot! Over half of the families there had 6+ kids. It was very fun. Jaime found a new friend already and some of the older boys migrated to Milo right away and were pitching balls to him so he could hit them. It was a lot of fun and we will be going every Monday now. We got home in enough time to finish our chores, make dinner and go get Scott.
Tuesday was slightly busier. Scott had an appointment in the morning so he took the late shuttle. After we got home from doing that we cleaned our chores as fast as we could, got everyone dressed and were gone by 11. We had a park day with Jaime and Alix’s virtual school. We had tons of fun meeting new people again. We left there about 1 and I took Afton and Alix to Laura’s house because Milo had a doctor’s appointment in Oakland at 2:20. We got there right on time and the doctor was running on time. This appointment was with Dr. Toth the plastic surgeon that was in on Milo’s original surgery. He said it was time to do the face surgery and he wants to do it March/April 2008. He said we would get the ball rolling now so we will be ready then. That just means LOTS of doctor appointments. He wants us to come to his San Fransisco office and meet with him and the oral surgeon on the same day (the other doctor involved in this surgery). *This is for Steve’s benefit* Dr. Toth said that when they do the surgery they will cut along the same incision line they made before, peal back the skin from the face, remove the bones, arrange them how they want and then put the bones back where they belong. They said Milo will for sure get a blood transfusion and be in the hospital about 6 days. They will have to stitch his eyes closed again because of all the swelling that will occur. Anyway, no nuerosurgeon will be involved this time because they don’t go anywhere near the brain and his eyes should be more protected and not look so “buggie”. After all that information we said our goodbyes. I went and picked up the kids from Laura’s house, dashed home and did an hour of school with the kids. By then it was time to cook dinner and get Alix ready. She was invited to her very first birthday party. She’s gone to birthday parties before with Jaime, but this was her very first one with a friend that was not a friend of Jaime. She was very excited. I had one of my friends come over and watch the other kids and Scott arranged to get a ride home from the shuttle from someone else. The party was at Pump It Up and the kids all seemed to have a great time. I got to talk with a new mom that I had seen at other activities but never actually had a chance to get to know. It was fun getting to know her better. We made it home by 8 pm and Alix was in bed by 8:30. Jaime however was still gone. They asked Jaime to participate in the Roadshow this year. She was very excited and it was their first practice. She got home a little after nine and was so excited it took us a half hour to calm her down enough to get her to bed! Scott and I were finally able to retire as well.
Wednesday was kinda full too. We spent the morning doing chores and getting ready to leave. We left about 10:15 to get to the girls’ P.E. group. We got home from there about 1:30. Did school for a couple of hours then started the “night” routine. I had Enrichment to go to and I was doing a provident living presentation. After Scott got home I left. I went and picked up another lady from church and we carpooled. It was a very fun evening full of much laughter and friendship building. I got home by 9 and went straight to bed!
Thursday Scott had another doctor appointment and I had agreed to watch a little boy all day. So Scott left and Dalyn showed up about the same time. He is 18 months and about the sweetest little boy. He has tons of personality but is mostly quiet and very well behaved. Most of the time I forgot he was even here. After taking Scott to the shuttle I took Jaime and Alix to piano and the four little ones and I walked to the park to play. That was super fun. After piano, we came home and had lunch. I put the three little kids down for a nap (Niah actually slept) and Jaime, Alix and I got so much school done it was awesome!! Then we did chores and at 4 we got everyone ready and headed to Jaime’s dance class. It was her first one this dance year and there were only 5 girls in the class. There were two absent but that’s it, only 7 girls signed up. The last three years there have been about 14. We aren’t quite sure what happened to the othe girls but the 5 girls that were there got a lot of one on one attention and were able to do more since there were less kids. Jaime seemed to enjoy it. We rushed home and I started cooking dinner while the other kids finished up their chores. Scott got home and so did Dayln’s mom. We said goodbye, had dinner and then started putting kids down one by one. I went to bed pretty early, Scott stayed up till 11 reading. He loves to read.
So here we are, Friday morning. I have cannery tonight and so Scott took the van so he could get home early so I could go. Today will be an at home day. It’s nice to have those every once in a while.
Afton is growing up so fast. She tries to mimic everything we do. Niah was pretending to be a dog the other day and Afton started crawling right behind her with her tounge sticking out and “panting”. It was super cute. She is also really good at independent standing and the other morning, Monday I believe, she walked three steps to Jaime. She hasn’t taken another step since but she did a good job with those first three. The older kids love to run and jump on the big bean bag we have. So last night Afton would stand up and then fall forward into the bean bag and just laugh and laugh. Then stand up and do it again. It was too funny. She “talks” constantly. She’s pretty sure she is communicating with us, but we have not idea what she is saying! Milo and Niah are letting her join thier group sometimes and it’s cute to watch the three of them play. Jaime and Alix still just pretend they are Afton’s moms!
Alix was telling me that she LOVED horses. She said that horses were her favorite animal. Milo piped in and said he loved cows, and that cows were his favorite animal. Alix said she loved horses so much she wanted to marry one. Milo was right behind ‘I’m going to marry a cow’!!
I love kids, I love being a mom and, even though it can be frustrating sometimes, I hope my kids remember and relish all the good times and not remember or dwell on the hard times. Much love to all.
Great entry…I was craving some Thompson news! Sounds like you will be even busier than you are now with the upcoming dr. appts. Definitely keep us updated on Milo’s surgery/progress. What is Roadshow?? It sounds like your kids are flourishing! I can just see/hear Alix being silly saying she wants to marry a horse! I bet Milo will end up marrying a “7-cow wife,” but hopefully not a cow!! I am sure they will treasure their childhood memories. Love, Denita