Sami's World


Short update

on December 6, 2008

Since I haven’t written in a while, I’ll just give an overview instead of a day to day report…..

I was sick last Sunday (November 30) and so I stayed home with Milo, Niah and Keri. Milo and Niah both had runny noses so we opted to keep them home. I didn’t feel too hot the rest of the week and finally on Wednesday I went into the doctor to make sure all was well. After some tests they determined I couldn’t be healthier (besides my awful head cold) and sent me home. By Friday I felt as healthy as the doctor told me I was. Whatever I had it just had to run it’s course. Besides being sick I managed to do school work and take the kids to their extra activities.

Jaime spent the week catching up on missed school work, fighting a runny nose, doing piano and dance class. Good week for Jaime.

Alix had a GREAT school week, the best in a while. We got a lot done and she really enjoyed it. She made a VERY cute Christmas craft in her art class and is excited about her chance to do this class. I got a call from the geneticist who said that the results of the genetic testing came back indecisive. So she now wants Scott and I checked to see if they can find if the cause lies in one of us. We shall see how that plays out.

Milo made great progress on reading and tormenting skills this week. We are so blessed to have Milo around. He always keeps things fresh and new!

Niah and Afton don’t have any significant activities to report. Niah was pretty sick this week too and so we had to keep tissues handy all the time. The sickness didn’t slow her down though, she was as active as ever!!

Keri is getting so big. She had her first taste of solids while at grandma and grandpa Thompson’s house. So when we got home I officially started her. She has done really well. She has had everything from homemade apple sauce to pumpkin pie. She loves her new talent and looks forward to her meals everyday, almost more than nursing now. She is officially rolling over. During the first of November Scott would find that she had rolled over in her crib when he would get her in the morning. He actually saw her roll over when we were in Brawley at the beginning of November. I finally saw her roll over November 25. She is now the roll over queen. She’ll plop right over once we lay her down. She is also getting good at her sitting. She can sit unassisted for about 20-30 seconds. Which might not sound like a lot but it’s the beginning of long term sitting. Kids seem to be happier and play better once they can sit independently. She is such a good sleeper too. I get a pretty good night sleep most nights. That is a blessing!!

Last Saturday (November 29) we did a big family clean up of the house and garage. It felt so good to get the garage clean after our summer of just dumping everything in the garage and not cleaning it up or putting it away. Jaime had the girl from across the street come over and they did a duet, Jaime on piano and her friend on the clarinet. It was fun to hear them practice. On Thursday (December 4, we decorated for Christmas).

Our neighbor Larant was putting in a new door. Milo had gone over several times during the day and finally, toward the end of the day went up to Larant, and with a big, heaving sigh asked, ‘Are you STILL working on that door?’ Larant proclaimed that he needed Milo’s help in order to finish the door. Milo did not leave his side for the next hour. He’s one dedicated little boy. Niah proclaimed that same day ‘Larant, my daddy is MUCH taller than you’. Too funny.

One Response to “Short update”

  1. Denita says:

    So sorry to hear you were sick– yuck! You just got it out of your system before Christmas came along!

    Was the genetic testing for her polyps? If they get results, will they be able to do anything about them? I don’t remember you mentioning the testing before.