Sami's World


Summers over?

on September 4, 2007

Well, I guess today marks the offical first day of school for most here in Fremont and therefore yesterday was the last day of summer. We went out with a bang, yes we did!

Sunday we had a dinner invite. Three families got together and ate some really good food cooked by Joey and Gayle. Then we played a fun card game late into the night that Dave and Camille brought. The kiddos played with each other and, when it got really late, relaxed in front of a movie. It was very fun.

Monday monring we woke up to the warmth of the sun. Good thing too, we had planned a beach trip. Four families met up at the beach. The Bennett Sr, the Bennett Jr, the Toh’s and us. We left Fremont at 10 am and arrived about 11. We had claimed our spot and were all set up by 11:30. It was a bit overcast but by 12:30 it had blown off and was a beautiful day. The kids had so much fun in the water, and digging holes and enjoying one another’s company. I couldn’t get Scott out of the waves he was having so much fun. Alix was swimming in the sand. Niah and Logan were up to no good the whole time, but having fun doing it and Milo and Toby were unseperable, until Toby met a girl and ditched Milo for a while. Milo didn’t seem to mind too much and they were good buddies again by the end!! :0)

Once it was declared leaving time we still had a good 40 minutes worth of work ahead of us. We had to get all the stuff back to the car and all the kids “showered” enough to put back in the car. It’s fun to go to the beach, but getting sand off of little bums itsn’t easy!! We managed though and did it with a smile. We got loaded and in the car and home by 4:45. Then we really showered all the kiddos and adults. We also got the car cleaned out, everything hosed down and by today it should all be dry and put away. That is good though. I liked having our camping stuff put away so fast. It’s a nice feeling to be done with a trip, cleaning and all.

Since our anniversary is today and finding a babysitter to watch five kids is near impossible around here, we took the whole family out for dinner. It was nice. The kids seemed to have a good time and the food was awesome. We enjoyed spending time with the kids. It helped to remind us that getting married ment having a family and what better way to celebrate marriage than with the family.

We came home and did the normal family bed time routine. Scott did take some extra time to give Jaime and Alix a father’s blessing for the start of a new school year. I think they enjoyed that time and felt better about life. It’s great to have the preisthood in the home.

Today starts a week FULL of appointments. If I make it through this week with my sanity, it will be amazing. Enjoy your week.

One Response to “Summers over?”

  1. Denita says:

    Here’s a tip I have read but never used (yet): to get sand off little bums use baby powder. Sprinkle on and the sand falls off easily…supposedly.

    Be sure to connect with the little moments…hold hands, make sure to kiss, savor the small touches…keep the romance alive each day so that when all the kids are grown and gone you will still know each other without the routine of kid’s stuff. (Not that I think you have problems, just a little reminder!)