[Keri sporting her Halloween pj’s. 4 months old]
Monday and Tuesday are my at home days. Very low key and full of lots of school work and chores. We did have the missionaries over for dinner on Monday night. It was the English missionaries (different from the ones we had on Friday night). There was a new missionary and we were his first dinner appointment in Fremont That was kinda cool I think! Jaime had activity days on Tuesday. They planted bulbs. We’ll see if they grow…..
Wednesday October 15 was a busy day. It was our first day back to piano so we had to get out early. Jaime did great and is once again loving piano. We went to p.e. and got home by 1:30. We tried to do school but we were all hot and tired from the day. I took a nap, I needed it! At 5 I left with Keri and went to the church for Enrichment. They asked me to come early to help set up and get dinner done. It was fun to be helping and socializing with the adults. It was a craft night. I made a couple of cards using stamps and other art supplies. I mostly socialized and enjoyed myself. I went to the grocery store after wards and got home by 9:30pm. Scott was watching the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland. I thought I had seen it before but as I watched it I enjoyed it more than I had before. There were also scenes that I did not recognize. Maybe I’ve never seen it all the way through…. We watched about half of it before I had to go to sleep. I’m such a party pooper these days!!
Thursday October 16 was a good day. We spent the morning doing school. We did some chores in the early afternoon and then we left for art/dance class. Thursday was suppose to be Alix’s first day of art class. We didn’t get a cancellation call so we were pretty happy. I dropped Toby, Logan, Milo and Niah off with Camille and we headed out. We got there right on time and waited five minutes, with all the other art students. After 5 minutes we went up to the main desk and they said we were waiting in the wrong building. So we all went across the street to the yellow building. No teacher. We waited another 10 minutes and all went back inside. They said the teacher was running late and she’d be there soon. 10 minutes later, and Jaime’s dance class starting, we gave up! Even the guy at the front desk said it probably got canceled. Alix was pretty bummed. I was too. I really thought it would work out this time. So far Alix has only had one art class not get canceled in the last 2 years. Anyway, Jaime’s dance class went well. Alix needed some blood work done in association with her polyp stuff. We were in the area so we went. Alix was her normal self. She walked in, put her arm up, chatted casually and the lady went to put the needle in. At the last second Alix jerked her arm away (the lady almost poked her) and said ‘No way!’ Very unusual for Alix. I tried to talk her into it and she was not budging, so I ended up having to hold her down. A first for Alix. I think she is having a rough time! After that I went and picked up the other kids and came home. I was suppose to give blood after dance class. I really enjoy giving blood. But I usually try and give it when I’m not nursing or at least when they are a little older. I was nervous about it all week and finally I just called them and told them I thought I needed to wait. They were very kind about it and I felt much better after canceling.
Me: GASP!!!
Frankie: What!?!
Me: Sami changed her site!!!!!
Frankie: Oh. I thought someone bombed the white house or something!
Me: I am about as surprised as I would be at that!
It looks awesome! Love your subtitle too. Frankie thinks we should steal it and put “cheaper by the quarter- dozen” on ours. You make me tired with everything you do and then report in your blog! Keri is so cute in the picture. Miss, miss, miss you!!