Friday October 10 was a school/chore day. I love those…. We got all our school work done by 1 and did most of our chores by 3. We got to the park and played till 5 and then came home to finish our chores and get ready for the missionaries to come for dinner. Leilani and her friend Shana come over to have dinner with us too. They are fun young women and we love them at this house! One of the missionaries that came over was going home in 3 days. It was fun to say goodbye and enjoy his company one last time. His parents moved while he was on his mission and he has mixed feelings about going “home”. Elder McMurdie will be missed! After a fun dinner and saying goodbye to everyone we put the kids down and stayed up to finish up church and other household stuff. We finally got to bed about midnight and then Keri woke up. I finally got to bed at 1am.
Saturday October 11 was our Saturday to visit mom and Sara. The Fresno temple was closed and so we had planned a trip to the zoo. We got there a little later than usual because we got out late (I was pretty tired!) and after we were on the road Milo started having diarrhea We had to stop 3 times for the boy to go potty. After we said our hello’s, the oldest kids and I helped Auntie Sara do a deep clean to the apartment while Scott got the little kids dressed and took them out to play. After a yummy lunch of sandwich’s we loaded the 5 oldest and went to the zoo. Scott stayed back with Keri and mom. While we were at the zoo enjoying all the animals and each others company, Scott took care of happy Keri and mom. He made dinner and finished the cleaning up. What a great guy! We had such a good time at the zoo. It wiped us all out and we were glad to get back in the van and rest our weary legs. We spent 4 hours at the zoo. We came home to a yummy meal of roast and potatoes After dinner and clean up and watching the last 15 minutes of Pete’s Dragon, we came home. We got here about 11pm. We were done with all our Sunday stuff so we were able to get to bed by midnight. Once again we had a great time and we are glad that they live close enough to visit. We are also glad that we have been healthy enough to visit more often!
Sunday October 12 was a BUSY day for me!! We had our normal church services. We are practicing for the primary program (where the kids do the main meeting) and since I wrote the program I was very involved in making sure the practice ran smoothly. After realizing all the things that needed to be changed and having the confidence that next weeks practice would go much better, we ended! Right after church I had a temple recommend interview. Right after that I met with Camille and we scoured closets to get all the stuff we needed for the Halloween party. As soon as I got home I changed, picked up Keri and went to my primary meeting. I finally got home for good at 5:30pm. It was a LONG day, but a lot got accomplished and Scott had the wonderful opportunity to spend lots of time with his kids. We had a yummy dinner (cooked by Scott) and early bedtimes. They were all tired still from the late night before! We got to bed early too!!
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