Sami's World


Doctor Appointments

on August 19, 2012

We’ve had quite a few doctor appointments recently.

Keri had her final leg appointment in the middle of July. The doctor took final x-rays and watched her walk and said she’s good to go. Released to full activity again. Yay for all of us!!

Milo had a quick scan to check the pressure on the brain and make sure his shunt is still working. All checked out a-ok. Dr. Sun and Dr. Toth are pleased with his progress and reported that all was well.

Milo had a dentist appointment and all seemed fine. No cavities! Yay!

Milo had an ortho appointment and they want to start his upper jaw expansion. I guess they will put an appliance in similar to what they put in his mouth to hold his hallo. Then I will be given a special tool to turn his appliance X times per day and then after a week or something then we stop turning and the appliance stays there for 3-5 months. Not sure when this will all actually happen but the plans are in the works and we are suppose to hear from them soon.

Milo had an ENT appointment. Apparently he has swimmers ear and had enough ear wax to make candles for our two year supply. He’s all cleaned out and we put drops in his ear twice a day.

I think that is all of them. Everyone else seems in great health and no need to get the professionals involved! :o)

One Response to “Doctor Appointments”

  1. Jody says:

    I had to do the jaw expansion thing too and it is not fun! The worst part was when it made a huge gap between my 2 front teeth. :)As a 16 year old girl I was pretty embarrassed and didn’t smile for a while. Be glad he’s getting it out of the way now!