It’s been a while since I’ve done an update. Not too many exciting things have happened. Just mostly busy!
General Conference weekend was amazing! I loved every minute of it and enjoyed seeing my children enjoy it too. Jaime, Alix and even Milo are old enough and interested enough that they listened and tried to understand too. The Monday night after conference Jaime was saying her nightly prayer and she prayed that ‘Mens hearts in other countries would be softened so that we could do missionary work in all lands.’ I was amazed at her simple faith. She remembered that we were asked to do that and did it. Being led by little children really is the way back to heaven. We did not get to do our traditional conference Sunday with Joey and Gayle. Joey has been wicked busy lately and so we only went over for breakfast and the morning session. We missed spending the day with them, but also understood the need to let them be alone together.
Monday and Tuesday, October 6 & 7 were at home school days. We didn’t leave the house and we got a TON done. It was awesome!
Wednesday was P.E. and then back home for more school and chores. Jaime also decided to take up piano again and called her piano teacher. Unfortunately, Sister Hill was out of town and so Jaime had to wait for a phone call back. Poor Jaime waited in anticipation for that phone call to see if she could still do piano. There was a broadcast about PROP 8 in the evening. I attended while Scott stayed home and took care of the chill’ns. What an amazing broadcast. The things that were said, the council given, it was just amazing. I came home with a better understanding of Proposition 8 and a great love for our prophet and the 12 apostles. What a great work this is. It’s the Lord’s work. The spirit was strong in that meeting and I came home a better person for having gone. I was grateful for the council given about marriage and children and eternal families. I love to listen to the apostles and feast upon their words.
Thursday was our busy day. We did more school in the morning and our chores too. The girls were slowing down a bit though. With so much time spent on school the whole week I think they were pretty burned out! Logan and Toby came over. The boy across the street realized Toby was here and came to play too. I guess they are in the same class at school. The three boys had a blast together. About 4 I took the boys home and Milo and Niah and then went to Jaime’s dance class. After that we went grocery shopping and I got home about 7:30pm. Scott had come home and was gone again. He went to walk the streets in support of PROP 8. He said he had some good experiences, some weird ones, but for the most part everyone was respectful and kind. He’ll have to report on that for you.
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