Sami's World


Lay in bed, what’s that?

on October 8, 2008

Sunday September 28 was a busy day for us! After church Scott had home teaching from 1-4:30pm. I had a primary meeting from 2-4 and we were having our friends over for dinner at 5pm. We got everything done!! We had 12 adults, 4 missionaries and 18 kids. It was sooo fun! Everyone was gone by 8:30. We put all our kiddos to bed, cleaned up a bit and then headed off to bed ourselves. It was a great day and we were happier for it.

Monday was an at home day. Good thing, we needed to have another good school day. We did! We got our chores done and everything. Interesting note, Jaime told me she did not want to take piano anymore. I was so taken back by the proclamation that I don’t think I handled it as well as I should have. She was very adamant about it and so she called her piano teacher and told her she was all done. I was crushed! She is so amazing at the piano that it just shocked me she would give up so easily. Her only reason was that she thought it was too hard. She didn’t touch the piano the whole day, very unusual for her. Anyway, Scott came home and we had FHE. After the kids were in bed, I went with Li-Li to visit Louise. That was fun. We used to get together all the time, but life has just gotten too busy. So we had a late night visit. I got home about 10 and was asleep by 10:30!!

Tuesday Scott woke up and said his back was a bit stiff. He was hoping that if he walked it off, that would help. He drove into work. Good thing, by mid morning he was in PAIN! He went to see our chiropractor friend who adjusted him and then gave him the bad news of ‘only time will heal this pain.’ Scott came home about noon and went up to the room and died. I went up and helped him with ice and heat, but basically he just stayed in bed and was miserable. I tell ya, exercise is so over rated!! Jaime still didn’t touch the piano the whole day and Scott finally came up with the most wonderful solution. He challenged Jaime to pray about her decision and see if it was really the right thing for her. She told him she would. Jaime had activity days in the evening and so I took her and picked her up. They made book bags out of jeans. It was a very cute project and Jaime learned a new skill, sewing on a button. She does a pretty good job. She is still fine tunning her new skill.

Wednesday October 1 Scott was home from work! It was a busy day for me, so I wished him luck with the day and told him I’d be home after 6pm! We had P.E at 10:30am. We played at the park till 1:45. I went home with Laura and left my kids with her. Milo had a doctor appointment in Oakland at 3pm with his ENT. It went well. He cleaned a bunch of wax out of Milo’s ears and now he seems to be talking quieter (whatever that means!!) and not asking us to repeat things as often. To date, Milo still has never had an ear infection. Way to go Milo!! We got back to Laura’s at 5pm. I had made dinner the night before and Laura just had to put it in the oven. Laura’s husband was out of town on business and so we just enjoyed dinner together. We stayed way too long, but Laura said it helped her pass the time alone better. We got home about 8pm. But we sure did have a great time! Dinner even came out good. A rare thing for me when I cook at someone else’s house. When we got home, Scott seemed in better spirits but still hurting. A funny side note…. When I was driving back to Fremont from Oakland I had called Scott to see how he was doing. He didn’t sound too good. I asked him if his back was getting worse. He said the back still hurt but seemed to be getting better. The bigger problem now was that he was bored. He said ‘I’ve just been laying in bed all day watching movies, reading books… was fun for the first few hours but ya know, it gets old after a while.’ I had to laugh, really laugh. I informed him that, NO, I didn’t know how it was. Does it really get old after a while? I don’t really know because I have not once laid in bed all day long with no one to bother me in at least 10 years. Does it really get boring after a while? I can’t imagine that it would! He apologized and we had a good laugh together.

One Response to “Lay in bed, what’s that?”

  1. Denita says:

    That is too funny! But I don’t think you would lay in bed all day if you were dying and had NO children to take care of (or anything else). For some reason I just don’t see it. Yes, you would get bored. I hope Jaime decides to keep going with piano. I’ve wished my whole life I could play it!