Sami's World


Shout Out

on May 24, 2012

Ok, so it’s officially been a year since Scott and I took that huge leap of faith and put him back in school. It’s been quite the year but we have learned SO MUCH!

-Scott is a Rock Star!

-Scott will have his first degree done at the end of June!! YAY for him!

-He’s managed to keep good grades while working on both masters degrees at the same time. Even when he gets a less than stellar grade on one thing, he makes it up by getting a nearly perfect grade on something else. At the end of each class, it all averages out to good grades.

-He’s keeping up with his church duties. He is so very faithful in his calling in the bishopric and keeps his appointments and does his best to be there for the bishop. He has not forsaken what he knows to be right for his education.

-He’s staying on top of being a good dad and husband. Even though Scott is only home about 2 hours of the kids’ waking hours, he is all here during that time and the kids know it. They miss their dad of course, but they don’t feel deprived of his love for them. He is so good at being a dad! They know this is only temporary and are very patient. I can’t say I’m as patient as they are, but he gives me most Saturdays and all Sundays. Thanks babe!

-We can live on bare minimum and still be happy! It’s amazing how easy it is to get caught up in the worldly view of what makes someone happy. Money helps do a lot of the “fun” things out there, but there is plenty of fun to be found that doesn’t require any money at all! Kite flying for one. We pulled out our old kites the other day and the kids have been having SO MUCH fun flying kites. Of course that means Scott and I have been having SO MUCH fun untangling kite string…. :o) Bike riding. Another super fun thing that the kids really enjoy! Of course hiking!!

-I think this past year has been a good exercise in what we honestly need and what we could honestly live without. We know how much food and savings we need to live for a year. But more than that, we know that, even though we thought we were prepared for a year, we could not have done this without blessings from the Lord. So many times in a week something will happen and all I can do is say ‘It’s manna from Heaven.’ And it is! The Lord is blessing us in ways that could only be truly appreciated by us during this time in our lives. I hope to take these lessons learned and tuck them away and never forget them.

-The kids are super!! They don’t whine or complain or think that life is unfair because we are cutting back on activities. They seem to get it and understand that it’s temporary.

-I think the hardest part for me this year will be our no traveling decision. We need to get through December and the best way to do that is to conserve. So, as much as it pains me, we will not be making our Utah trip or any other trip. That’s ok though. There is plenty of good fun to be had around here. And we’ll make it next year! That’s the good part of all this, we know there is next year.

We love you all. Thanks for your love and support and prayers during this last year. All is well in Fremont. We are still here, still working hard and Scott is half done! Yay!!

One Response to “Shout Out”

  1. Scott says:

    Ah. You’re making me blush. I couldn’t do it without you! Sami is the rock of our family.