Sami's World


First Piano Recital

on April 17, 2012

Jaime started piano 4.5 years ago. Alix 2.5 years and Milo 1.5. Yet in all that time they never participated in a piano recital. Jaime has played in Sacrament meeting but Alix and Milo are not quite there yet. Our first piano teacher just didn’t do recitals. She was a GREAT teacher and did great things with my kids, but recitals was not her thing.

My piano stars! Love these cuties.

Our current piano teacher is all for piano recitals and I am so glad. So we had our first recital on Saturday March 24. Each person had one piece to play. She has 9 students. The whole recital lasted about 15 minutes. LOVE IT! Jaime was sweat’n bullets but did great. Milo didn’t care one way or another and did good. Alix practiced her piece about 50 times a day. Wasn’t worried one bit because she could play the piece in her sleep and then had stage fright. She still did wonderful, but definitely needs more public exposure when it comes to playing the piano. She still has confidence and is progressing at wonderful speeds, she just needs to do it in front of people more. Sacrament meeting here we come! :o)

Sister Black and Leilani came to cheer the kids on. Sister Hill came too but no picture of her.

I was so proud of each and every one of my kids. They are dedicated to what we have asked of them and I appreciate their willingness to practice, even on those days when they wish they could smash the piano to bits. I hope and pray one day, when they are serving in a ward and are able to provide a service that not many are able to provide, they will thank me for all the hours of practice they have endured….. I can hope, right?? :o)

Current piano teacher. Audrey. We love her!

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