Alix says to me yesterday, as she collapses into the bean bag, ‘It’s just not fair being the 2nd girl in a family.’ ‘Why?’ I ask. ‘Because your little sister always steals your candy and your big sister always teases you for no reason.’ She ends with a sigh and roll of the eyes…..
Ahh, the wisdom of a child. I wouldn’t know first hand, but I am sure there are advantages to being the 2nd girl in a family too!!
Tell Alix that I don’t even have any sisters. I just had a brother and he not only teased me but tortured me with flying rubber bands while we were home. I dreamed to have 4 sisters. But now I don’t even have my brother close around. It’s really a test of our endurance to have siblings at home. But when you grow up, you can always call them up for help when needed. I don’t even need candies any more. I’ll trade candies for sisters. I’ll bring her some candies next time I see her.