Sami's World


Valentines Day

on March 7, 2012

Scott and I have never been big on celebrating Valentines day. I guess we don’t need ONE day to show our love, we do it EVERYDAY!! :o)

This year though was going to be different. As the missionary dinner calendar was going around, I noticed that they didn’t have a dinner for Valentines day. We are pretty close to these missionaries so I thought it a perfect time to have a party!

Cutting things out for decorations and valentines....

Can you read it?? It says 'We Love U Missionars'

Scott's contribution to the decorations...

The kids were on board right away. We had a really fun time getting ready for and putting on a Valentines party for our beloved missionaries.

Last minute they called and asked if they could bring a third missionary with them. The more the merrier I say! We did homemade pizza’s and salad. Then we did sugar cookies for dessert. The kids had SO MUCH FUN!

Jaime rolling out pizza dough

Don't they look so happy??

The whole gang.

Jaime and Alix's creations. Such creative girls I have!

Giving our Valentines to Elder Christianson and Elder Mageno

This Valentine cracked me up! Alix is always so thoughtful of others.

The Valentine's from mom and dad to the kids. They loved them and they were CHEAP!! :o)

We got Valentines from Grandma and Grandpa Thompson too. Each one personalized with a word or two accurately describing the person they gave it to. SO CLEVER! The kids LOVED them. And they LOVED the money that was inside too!

Decorating sugar cookies!

I also made homemade almond joys! Grandma Thompson gave us all the ingredients to make them at Christmas time but we just never got around to it. So we made them for Valentines day. SO YUMMY! And really not that hard. We need to perfect how to melt chocolate without burning it and making it gloopy. But otherwise, so fun!

Elder Mageno said as he was leaving ‘This was the best Valentines day I have ever had.’ I’m still laughing about that. Having the best Valentines day on your mission just doesn’t seem right. But I’m glad we were able to be a part of it! :o)

Hope your day was just as fun!

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