Sami's World


Christmas Eve

on January 26, 2012

Christmas Eve, the day we would officially celebrate my birthday. Scott got up early and let me sleep in. He and the kids made me a LOVELY breakfast (eggs, hashbrowns, pancakes, the works).

Right after our early breakfast we headed over to the church as a family to clean it. Yup, it was our Saturday. But so many wonderful families joined us, it felt more like a party!!

As soon as we were done with the church we came home and I got to open my birthday gifts.

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Thompson for my birthday money!

Thanks Alix for the beautiful scarf you made me in sewing class. It's silky and warm.

My favorite, Bearenstain bear book and smelly body wash. Thanks Babe!!

Then we started cleaning our house. After all, Santa can’t come to a dirty house!! :o)

About this time, Scott dove into his valiant effort to bake me this cake for my birthday. It sure did taste good, but not what we were expecting. Then again, none of it went to waste, so it MUST have been good!

About 3 I left to have some quiet time and run some errands and let Scott cook dinner . I was put under strict command by Scott’s AWESOME aunt, Aunt Angela, to find myself a cute shirt/sweater/top to go with my girls’ cute dresses from the wedding and take some family pictures. So I set out on a quest to find that perfect top. After 2 hours, I had purchased 4 different tops. I couldn’t decide which, if any looked good so I bought them all and figured Scott could give his opinion and then I could return the others. I then made a quick stop at Wal Mart and then headed to the bus stop to pick up my sister. She was coming to spend Christmas with us.

Sara’s bus was SUPER late and so I snoozed in the car while I waited. Scott, the good sport he is, cooked dinner, fed the kids, and got them ready to go see the lights at the temple.

They all looked amazing in their hats and they still love to wear them around. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

As soon as we got home we let the kids open their presents from Grandma and Grandpa Thompson because I knew what they were and I knew the kids would NEED them. Then we jumped in the car and raced (slowly of course) to the temple.

Milo and Afton were so facinated by this display in the visitors center. We had to tear them away. And they looked really cute in those hats too!

Keeping warm

It was beautiful to see all the lights and visit the visitors center. It seemed perfect to be spending Christmas Eve at the temple. We ran into the Dalrymple’s and enjoyed a visit with them while the kids ran around keeping themselves warm! :o)

See the nativity in the background. Wish my camera was a little beefier and I could take this picture with no flash.

We made it home just in time to put everyone to bed. Then I started my fashion show. I wanted to wear my new shirt the next day since the girls would be wearing their dresses. After trying on all of them a couple of times, it was determined by Scott, Sara and Jaime that NONE of them looked good. Sorry Angela, I tried!!

After a few more things and some cleaning up, Scott and I silently slinked off to bed so Santa could go to work.

Our freezing family!

A fabulous Christmas Eve, sure to be followed by an even better Christmas Day.

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