According to Scott I am now in my mid 30’s. Really? Mid already? O’well. I’ve gotten over that and am just enjoying feeling young even though my age dictates I’m “old” in the eyes of my children! :o)
Our family tradition of going to the Richie’s house for Christmas Eve had to be changed since they were leaving that day for Hawaii. So we planned it for the 23rd instead. My birthday. I didn’t mind. It meant I didn’t have to cook or clean. Perfect!
I need to mention here that January 1, 2011 I decided I’d go an entire year without sweets. No cakes, cookies, brownies…nothing! December 23 would be my day to break my “dessert fast” and have whatever I wanted till January 1, 2012 when I would start again. So my birthday was a pretty big deal. I had been talking for weeks about how I was going to break my fast; brownies, cookies, cakes, I just couldn’t decide.
Then it happened. We got the package from Grandma Thompson. Know what was in it???? Homemade Almond Joys. I knew exactly how I was going to “break the fast”.
The morning of my birthday was low key. Since we were going to the Richies, we decided to officially celebrate my birthday on December 24. But I LOVE to donate blood on my birthday. Just a thing I do. So Scott and I got up early and donated blood and then I came back and indulged. The Almond Joys were the perfect way to start my week long sugar coma. Ahhhh, I can just taste them now…..
I did get one surprise from Jaime on my actual birthday. She had been secretly getting together with Katie for a “playdate” when really she was making me this:
I LOVED it and it tasted SO GOOD!!
We got to Erika’s house about 3 and just had a wonderful rest of the night. I love our yearly tradition and I think the kids love it too. Scott still needs a little convincing…. :o)
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