Sami's World


Family Pictures

on December 9, 2011

My friend Audrey was so kind as to take some family photos of us this year. She has some nice places on her property and a decent camera and that is about all I need!

Here are my favorites:

[I realize the background is not all that great with the sun glowing around Scott’s head, but I like the way the picture is laid out and how happy everyone looks!]

[Milo wanted a picture with just his dad so bad! He came up with the pose and everything!]

[Niah could not leave this cat alone and the cat didn’t seem to mind too much!]

[Jaime thought she was so funny. We couldn’t get her to make a straight face for anything. But now looking at the pictures, I love them!!]

[Need I say anything?? :o)]

One Response to “Family Pictures”

  1. Denita says:

    These are great!! I really like the one with the sun shining behind you. And the two last ones totally made me laugh out loud!!

    You are a rock star with catching up your blog!! Now let’s see if we can both get a little more consistent (see the vt message this month).