Sami's World


Niah is 7

on December 7, 2011

Niah turned 7 in November. She’s growing up so fast and will be baptized in less than a year. Crazy! I think she had a fun birthday. It wasn’t all the pomp and circumstance that her other sisters had this summer with their birthday parties, but we made it special and I think she knew that.

She wanted breakfast for dinner. We did eggs, hashbrowns, pancakes, bacon and fruit. There was a baptism on her birthday, so we did her dinner first and then came home for cake and ice cream after the baptism. It worked out well because it gave dinner a chance to settle before bringing on the sweets!

7 wonderful things about Niah:

-She loves to help. She’ll help cook, clean, take care of the kids whatever. She just loves to be helpful.

-She loves school. She not only loves it but she is good at it. She already finished all the 2nd grade curriculum that I had for her this year. She has started 3rd grade math and is doing lots of writing while I come up with something new in January.

-She is a good friend. She is kind and loving to those she meets and makes them feel so welcome and special.

-Niah is a good big sister. She shares her things and smiles A LOT.

-Niah is driven when it comes to making money. She’ll do anything to earn money.

-She is a stellar cleaner! This girl can take a task and get it done and get it done quickly. And since she likes to help, she doesn’t complain either.

-She loves to ask and think about gospel related questions. She tries super hard each Sunday to be reverent and fold her arms at church. She loves to answer questions in FHE and in Primary. She knows who she is!

We love you Niah! So excited to see how much you learn and grow this next year!

One Response to “Niah is 7”

  1. Louis says:

    Wow! The kids are growing up fast! Can’t wait til I get to see you all next week.