Sami's World



on December 4, 2011

We had a good Halloween this year. We had decided on our family costume in the summer and so when October came around all we needed to do was implement it. Such an easy thing to do since I have a wonderful friend Teisha who can create anything!!

Our fun started with the annual Halloween package from Grandma and Grandpa Thompson. They sent us sock bats which the kids had a GREAT time with. We even took them on a family walk with us. They flew all around (and kept one hand warm…).

Thanks grandma and grandpa!!

The kids got invited to a Halloween party at a friends house we know through p.e. It was such a fun party. The kids had fun doing Halloween games, stuffing themselves with pizza and candy and playing Wii.

[Jaime and Alix were dressed up as the characters from the book My Sister is a Vampire. Jaime is the sister and Alix is the vampire.]

[Niah dressed up as a witch. The same costume Jaime and Alix all wore at this age.]

[Milo the pirate]

*For the last 4 years in a row there has been a very friendly competition between families in our ward regarding Halloween costumes. Since this was the first year we got invited to a Halloween party before our ward Halloween party, the kids just wore stuff from our dress up bin so as to keep the real costumes a secret a little longer.*

We attended our ward Halloween party. Spectacular as usual. I was part of the “special committee” assigned to do it this year. We settled on a Mexican themed dinner. Enchilada’s, beans, chips, taquitos…. It was SO YUMMY!!

[Alix; sleepy bunny, Jaime; teenager bunny (notice the peirced bunny ears…), Niah; cheerleader bunny, Afton; princess bunny, Milo; ninja bunny (seems to be a theme this year among the Thompson grandsons), Keri; ballerina bunny]

[We multiply like rabbits. Get it??]

Jaime went with the other youth on a scavenger hunt around the church. The pot of gold being king sized candy bars. Alix helped in the face painting booth. Scott and I socialized and followed the littles around. It was a very fun night. I left Scott to help with the clean up crew while I took all the tired bunnies to bed.

Halloween night was spent at home. The missionaries came for dinner. Then they carved pumpkins with us. We ate lots of Halloween treats. The missionaries gave us a spiritual thought before leaving us for the evening. After they left we handed out candy, played loud music and danced with the lights out and glow sticks. When it got even later the kids played on the street with the neighbors while we adults talked. The kids didn’t get to bed till almost 10, but it sure was a fun night.

[Milo and Jaime were a team this year. They wanted to do a fancy pumpkin. We were a little hesitant but we let them. It turned out fabulous!!]

[Elder Thackary and Elder Mageno]

[Alix and Afton were a team. Alix is pretty good at carving pumpkins now. We were quite impressed.]

[teams who made the pumpkins: Elders, Afton & Alix, Niah & Keri & Dad, Jaime and Milo. Wonder how we got the pirate teeth looking so good???]

[Power drill baby!! You should try it next year. It works like a charm!!]

All in all a very successful Halloween holiday.

One Response to “Halloween”

  1. Denita says:

    I love how cute all your bunnies are! Were you and Scott Easter bunnies?