Sami's World



on December 4, 2011

Ever notice how you always have time to do the things you really want to do? Then all of life’s other stuff (that you really do want to do too) you just don’t have time for. It’s an interesting thought I’ve been having lately. Especially in regards to my blog. Sure I’ve been busy. Kids, holidays, church, housework, schoolwork…. But if I had to be perfectly honest with everyone, but really myself, lots of those things have suffered a little (and my blog a lot) because of what I have made the priority these last few months.

Around the beginning of October Jaime decided she wanted to learn how to play some of the piano pieces from Pride and Prejudice. In an effort to help her decide which ones she wanted to play, her piano teacher, Audrey, loaned her the 3 hour version with Keira Knightly in it. Being the “good” mom that I am, I agreed to watch it with her. At that time in my life, I had very limited knowledge of Pride and Prejudice. About 5 years ago I saw both the 3 hour one and the 6 hour one. Loved them both and got on with life.

Well, not so much this time…I LOVED IT!!! During the week that we had the movie Jaime, Alix and I must have watched it 3 times. Scott and I watched it at least once. I was happy to give back the movie to get the temptation out of my life.

But then it happened. Jaime brought home the VHS version of the six hour movie. It was alright, I could be strong. However, I let myself down and could not be strong. For the next month, almost every single night, when I would have been doing a blog entry or cleaning my house or a number of other very noteworthy things, I was upstairs watching “just one tape”. I think I bordered on obsession. Ok, no, I didn’t border, I was obsessed!!

Finally we took back those tapes and I was sure I was safe. But no, there are MANY versions of Pride and Prejudice and she also had the book. So off we go with 2 more videos and the book. I couldn’t put it down. The book was so good and some parts, like Darcy’s first proposal, I read a dozen times. As for the movies, I didn’t like the 1930’s version so much but the Bollywood version was AWESOME!! Scott and I laughed so hard we had to pause the movie quite a few times.

So the 2nd week of November found me returning all Pride and Prejudice material and vowing to end my obsession right then and there. It is a good movie and book but I really needed to focus more on real life and the things around me that needed to be done. That was good and well until Audrey recommended that I come and have a movie night with her and we watch North and South.

***Repeat the last 4 paragraphs but put in North and South instead of Pride and Prejudice!!***

Fortunately I had enough self control to refuse borrowing the movie, but I did not have enough self control to refuse borrowing the book. I was much better this time though. I only read for a couple of hours each night and each morning (yes people, I woke up even earlier each morning and sat on the couch with a little reading light we found in the garage and read till 6 when I go walking with my friend).

I finished it Friday (a couple of days ago) and vowed to stop obsessing. But I still, when no one is looking, grab the book and open to my favorite sections and re read them. Such a good book!! I really need to return that too!!

Ok, I’ve made my confession. I can now get on with life. Maybe… :o)

I do vow to catch up this blog though. That is my goal. An entry or two a day till I am right up to speed with life. Since I’ve spent most of the last 3 months reading and watching movies, there isn’t much to report!!

2 Responses to “Priorities”

  1. diana says:

    Knowing you, I am sure you have done more then that but I LOVE your obsession! I just watched Jane Eyre on Netflix which was great and I watch the 6 hour P&P whenever I need a good chick flick pick me up.

  2. Denita says:

    Well, I am sure someday all that Pride and Prejudice knowledge will come in handy. I just read the book for the first time this summer and I haven’t seen ANY of the movies.

    But I am glad you have your priorities straight though! ;-)