We started packing up camp about 9 am on Saturday September 13. We left camp at noon. We got home at three, unloaded kids, showered them all and dressed them in church dress. Scott and I took the fastest showers ever and we all loaded in the car and went to Ja-Zhen Toh’s baptism that started at 4. It was a great experience and Scott was one of the witnesses. Afterwards we were talking with the Bennett’s and they were talking about their movie night and invited us to join them, so we did. We went home and changed really fast, pulled enough stuff out of the van so the kids could get in and out easier, grabbed a couple of pizzas and a load of underwear and went over. We ate pizza, did laundry and played a new game (I can’t remember the name of it but it’s a fun card game a lot like Uno except the rules keep changing and you have to remember what they all are. It’s pretty fun. I won 4 out of 5 games). We got home about 10pm.
Sunday morning was going great until we had a melt down just as we were leaving (can you blame them!). We got to church 5 minutes late (a first for us I think). We had to sit in the 3rd row! Anyway, our kids did well during Sacrament and even in primary. We came home and all the kids laid down. I finished the primary program and headed off to a meeting with my presidency. 2 hours later I came home with a new resolve to do my calling better and pray more. Being Sunday and all, we tried really hard not to do any major cleaning or unpacking. I did do one load of laundry and we finished emptying the van. We went to bed with me knowing it was going to be a busy day on Monday.
Monday was suppose to be our major school day. Our get back into a schedule day. Instead it turned out to be, clean and unpack day! Alix had a pre-op appointment in the morning and that kinda threw off the whole day! She was given a clean bill of health and was given the go ahead for her upper and lower G.I that was to take place on Friday. We did do some school but we did mostly laundry and chores and all around cleaning. The kids were great helpers. I think they were glad to be home. We had the missionaries over for dinner, that was fun. We enjoyed having them a part of our FHE.
Tuesday was a productive morning as far as school goes. I had a dentist appointment in the afternoon to fill a couple of small cavities. That was a pretty easy en devour. However it wiped me out again and I spent the rest of the afternoon super tired!
Wednesday was P.E in the morning. I took Logan with us. Camille is watching this sweet little baby that cries constantly. So I offered to take Logan with us so he could play with Niah while the older kids played. It worked like a charm and I was glad that Logan was there. After P.E. we were all too tired to do anything else so we mostly read and rested. I got hooked on this book that Jaime read and enjoyed it so much I ended up staying up till I finished it. Scott took Alix out for her last meal. They went to Denny’s and then to Toys R Us so that Alix could spend some birthday money. They had a great time. I also finished all the camping laundry this day. I still had TONS of after camping laundry to do, but all the clothes made super dirty at camp were now clean and put away.
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