Sami's World


Apple Harvest

on October 8, 2011

We had our first apple harvest in September. I can’t remember exactly when we did it but it sure was fun. I forgot to get pictures of everything we did but here is the list:

apple butter

apple chips

apple sauce
apple juice

It is always so fun to gather the apples, use the apple peeler/corer/cutter thing from Pampered Chef and then get to work. We all get involved, which means we all get to eat the finished products.

This year we got apples from 4 different trees. We got our usual apples from Sister Hill, we got our apples. Then our neighbors across the street said we could have theirs and a friend gave me a whole bag of apples too.

I think we will have a second harvest this year. Our tree is still loaded and I don’t want them to go to waste!

One Response to “Apple Harvest”

  1. Denita says:

    So wish I was there so you could teach me how to do those!!!