Monday, September 1, being Labor day and all, I made sure there were plenty of things for Scott to do to stay busy! We scrubbed the house from top to bottom since we got invaded by ants on Saturday. Boy did we scrub and the house looked great….for about an hour!! We even got the back yard looking fairly decent! We did take a break about 3pm to run errands. I had a Wal Mart return and Scott needed the parts to fix the bathroom sink and we decided to take the whole family to the grand opening of the super Smart and Final in town. They had some incredible deals going on. Whoa was I surprised. They must have had 500 people crammed into that little store. Maneuvering one cart would have been hard enough, but two carts and six kids was almost impossible. But we pressed on and got our shopping done and got out of there with most of our sanity! We came home, put all our wonderful deals away, had dinner and enjoyed an early night!
Tuesday was our first normal day in a week. Actually it wasn’t very “normal” at all. We just lazed around and found it hard to be motivated to do anything!
Wednesday was the start of P.E. It was fun to chat with the ladies again and all of us, but one who is due in a few days, had new babies. It was great to be outside and see the kids running and playing and enjoying the outdoors. Milo and Alix are playing soccer and Jaime is playing basketball. We got home and everyone was very hot and tired. We drank lots of water and rested till dad got home.
Thursday September 4 was a great day! It was our 10 year wedding anniversary! Scott had to go to work and I had a full day but we knew that it was all worth it because non of it would be if we hadn’t gotten married. We left the house at 9:50 and went to piano. We went swimming right after and at 2:15 I left and took Afton and Keri to their well checks.
At 2 ½ months old Keri’s stats are:
weight: 14 lbs 8 oz (97%)
height: 25 inches (98%)
head: 16 inches (77%)
She is doing well and the doctor is pleased with her development. She said that Keri is very strong and holds her head up like a champ. I guess she wasn’t “blessed” with the big Thompson head…. :0)
At 2 years old Afton’s stats are:
weight: 25 lbs 8 oz (35%)
height: 31 inches (29%)
head: 18.5 inches (37%)
I guess Afton has some growing to do. Her 2 month old sister is only six inches shorter than her…. Afton has always been our petite one and will continue on that trend I guess. The doctor said that she is healthy and strong too. She is a good talker for her age and Afton would NOT stop talking the whole time we were there. It was pretty cute! Afton had to get three shots which she thought was totally unfair after being such a good girl through the whole thing, but she managed to be happy again by the time we got back to the car.
I got back to Laura’s house by 4. We chatted till 4:30 and by the time I loaded everyone and left it was 5. I headed over to Google. Scott and I decided that we would celebrate our anniversary with the kids, since they are the joy of our life. We enjoy our time alone but they are the reason for our marriage. They are the ones who have helped us to learn and grow and become more like our Heavenly Father. They are the ones who have given us our greatest joys in life. How could we celebrate our union without celebrating it with them? We went out to eat at Macaroni Grill. The kids loved it. They let you draw all over the paper table coverings and give the kids a coloring book too. They thought it was awesome! We got home pretty late but the kids were happy and went to bed easy. It had been a long hot day of swimming and fun. They were happy to be in their beds and going to sleep.
Friday I actually started school using my charter school. All summer I had just been doing my own thing, mostly to keep the kids’ mind still working. Now we have to officially do the school thing. It didn’t go as well as I had hoped, but that’s mostly because we are going to be gone all next week and so my heart wasn’t really into it. To me, it’s still summer! We started up our park day again. 4 of us showed up. It was pretty HOT and so that scared most people away. But it was fun to talk to the moms and watch the kids get soaked in the water fountain. It was good times. I got home in enough time to throw dinner in the oven and get the kids doing their chores before Scott got home. After dinner Scott took Afton out for her free birthday ice cream at Baskin Robins. They had a great time and came home happy. The other kids and I had ice cream here at home and then were off to bed. Except Jaime, we let her stay up and finish the book she was reading. She finally went off to bed at 9:30pm. Scott and I took the opportunity to talk. It seems as though our life has been so busy these last few weeks we hadn’t really talked. So we just filled each other in on the happenings of our lives and enjoyed each others company. That’s what it’s all about. Forming these bonds here on earth that will last into the eternities. What a great opportunity God has given us to form these relationships. The greatness of these relationships is evident each time we take a moment to enhance and make them stronger.
Saturday September 6 was my shopping morning. There were some great deals at Safeway that I took advantage of early so as not to be left out. I got home in enough time to have breakfast with the family and then go out again to a meeting about walking the neighborhoods of Fremont informing voters about Proposition 8. I had gone to the meeting thinking that it was just an informational meeting. However I ended up getting paired up with Sally Hu and we walked for about an hour and a half. We finished 3 streets (they were good sized) and felt as though we had accomplished something. Only one person got angry at us and slammed his door but even that was not so bad. When I walked back in 2000 for Proposition 22 we were run off people’s properties with them cursing at us. This was mild compared to that! Anyway, Scott called me home about 11:30 because Keri had woken up and wanted to eat. After feeding her and having lunch, Scott went out and ran the rest of the errands in preparation for our camping trip this next week. I stayed with the kids and we cleaned and organized. Scott got home about 3:30 and fired up the bbq. We had ribs and squash for dinner and then Alix, Afton and I went to Cold Stone for Afton’s free ice cream for her birthday. Since Alix’s expired before we could use it (sorry Alix) she helped Afton finish hers (there was no way Afton could have finished that much ice cream). We got home and it was time for bed. Everyone was HOT and so going to bed was a little difficult. It’s been hot here the last few days, but it seemed to be overly hot. The kids finally settled down about 8:30pm and fell into slumber land. Scott worked on his lesson while I worked on writing updates and doing primary stuff. We got to bed by 11:30pm, not too bad!!
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