We had planned with Joy the previous night that Scott and I would get up early and head to a temple session. I’ve had this goal for years that I would attend the temple by myself once a month and once a month with Scott. So in order to fulfill that goal we had to go to a temple in Utah because the Oakland temple would be closed when we got home and not reopen till August.
July 6 was a fast and furious morning as Scott and I got ready to go and settle our children before we left. We went to the Mt. Timpenogos Temple. It was BEAUTIFUL! When I was in Utah for BYU I toured that temple before it’s dedication and my ward attended one of the dedication sessions. Next to San Diego, it is one of my favorite temples.
When the session was over, we had a quick lunch with the kids and loaded up the van. We said our goodbye’s and were off. We got to Scott’s Grandma’s house in Sandy about 1. I was wiped out so I slept on the couch while everyone else chatted and watched a movie and had a good time.
About 4 we left for a park in Farmington where we met up with the rest of the Thompson clan. It was fun to see the aunts and uncles on that side of the family. It had been too many years since we had seen them and it was a good reunion.
Alix just loves this cousin of hers.
Scott’s Thompson side of the family. Minus an uncle. He hadn’t gotten there yet.
More cousin time. Can’t ever get enough of that!
Thanks Phillip for entertaining the kids with some baseball.
Once we had our fill of food, family and fun, we headed out. We had everyone take a potty break and put jammies on and then we left home for California. It would be a long night but it was the best course of action. Keri had a rough time and one of us sat in the back with her and rubbed her arms or legs or something. She was not happy. At one point we switched about every 20 minutes. But we made it home in one piece. We pulled in about 7am.
I didn’t realize how tired I looked at the start of driving home till I saw this picture!!
Beautiful sunset on the other side of the airport on Hwy 80. A beautiful start to a long night!! :o)
Now one might think July 7 would have been a wasted day because Scott and I were so tired. Not so. Once it’s morning and if I’m not driving or reading, I’m good to go. So we got the van emptied, laundry started, things put away and cleaned up the house. It was a super productive day. We did take some naps in the afternoon, but mostly it was super productive!
We had so much fun in Utah. It was a GREAT vacation and we were glad to have done it. We loved all the people we saw and we got to see a whole lot of people. Thanks to everyone who opened their homes and their hearts to us. We had an amazing time.
We just drove down to Charlotte to visit my family (a 15 hour drive that usually takes us at least 18 hours) and we tried to do most of it during the night. Isaac (my two year old) was not sleeping well and I spent most of the trip sitting between him and Rae in the back seat (really wedged in between two carseats) rubbing his legs or holding his hand so he could sleep. When I wasn’t doing that I was crouched in the little space between the bucket seats in the front row leaning over Claire nursing her. Yeah, it was a fun drive.