Since I only had one more week to prepare for my big road trip, I made a cleaning schedule to get me to the end of the week with a clean house and clean laundry and even a clean and packed van. Here it is, Friday night at midnight and none of that is done……
Monday was Scott’s last P.T. appointment. He was given a list of excersises to do and has been pretty diligent with doing them. On his first day in they did a test that told how many pounds of pressure he could squeeze. He scored 4 pounds of pressure on his first visit he was at 22 pounds of pressure at this last visit (for all of you out there who have no idea what any of this means, his left hand scored 85 pounds of pressure. His right arm is his dominate arm and so it is assumed it was stronger than his left before the accident.). Quite the improvement. However, still a long way to go. I took the kids to the park and met up with a couple of friends. It was fun. After picking up Scott we ran a couple of errands and then came home and did chores, school and naps. The evening was very low key and we like that!
Tuesday was our “slow” day. We stayed home most of the day. We did chores, school and “normal” around the house stuff. In the afternoon we went to the mall to get Milo and I some summer sandals. Lucky for us, we were able to find some.
Wednesday was a swim party at my friend Laura’s house. It was very fun. A girl from Jaime’s dance class came. I have really gotten to know her mom pretty good and we enjoy eachother’s company. I was really glad they joined us and she said she had a good time. After coming home Scott joined us in the car and we ran a couple of errands. We needed to get some doctor issues figured out and we went to the police station to get the pictures the police took of the scene of the accident. It was amazing to see what Scott did to that Jetta. He pretty much took out the windshield and left a big bloody hole, plus he took out part of the grill and the headlight. We got to see a picture of his food in a V shape all over the road and we even got to see Scott stripped down to his underware lying on the side of the road. Interesting….. We got home in enough time for dinner and bed.
Thursday was another busy day. My friend Li-Li came over and we made pot stickers together. We did a massive clean before she got here and then were required to do another one after she left. After Li-Li left we all put on “wash the car” clothes and had a great time giving our big van it’s first bath. The kids all stood on step ladders to reach the windows! Scott had to do all the area above the windows. It was quite the sight. After the car wash, baths and jammies, I left and did some evening grocery shopping in preparation for the trip.
That brings us to today. Friday. We spent the morning doing TONS of cleaning (we are really in crunch mode now). At noon we left for a Primary swim party. That was tons of fun. I got out my “swimsuit” (shorts and a t-shirt) and swam with the kids. It was fun. We had cannonball contests and races. It was fun to be in the pool and enjoying the warm sunshine. We got home in enough time to shower, change and get to the park for another party with Jaime’s school. It was fun, but I got the times mixed up and we were two hours late, oops! We still had a good time and are glad we made the effort to go. Once we got home we put the kids straight to bed. They didn’t seem to mind, they were very tired.
This weekend will prove to be just as busy as the week was. I hope to be very organized and get everything done. The reasurring thing is that there are Wal-Marts and grocery stores all along the way, if I forget anything, I can always buy it!
I’m getting very excited about my trip. It should be a great time for the kids and I. They are all very excited too. Milo was talking about Colorado today. He asked if Colorado was in a tree. Scott said no be there were trees in Colorado, he was very confused! Much love to all.
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