Sami's World



on August 23, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, I woke up at 5:45 am and felt GREAT!! I put Keri down at 8:30 the night before sure she would be up by midnight for eating. But she didn’t. I got 6 straight hours of sleep!! YAY!! Since I was up, I stayed up. We once again spent the day at home. That will be the normal routine from here on out. With the exception of our upcoming camping trips. We did school and chores and playing. It was a fun and productive day. The kids are finally getting back in the routine of sitting everyday and learning. I think they enjoy it, even if they try to say they don’t!! :0) Milo is about 1/3 of the way done with the reading program I use. He is reading 3-4 sentence stories now. He is really enjoying it and seems to feel a sense of accomplishment. His writing is getting really good too. He is a fast learner, always has been. Niah likes to sit in on our lessons and will go around “sounding” out words. It’s cute. I’m hoping that will mean she will learn fast too. I might go right from teaching Milo to teaching her. I think she will be ready by the time I am done with Milo and he is a reader. After Scott got home I left and went to a baby shower. Melissa is having a girl after having had 3 boys. She is very excited about this new adventure and the person throwing the baby shower decided that instead of the traditional shower of playing games we’d make bows for her new baby. It was super fun! Since I was able to show the ladies at the party the way to make curly bows, I instantly became the expert on bow making. I didn’t mind too much. It was fun to spend two hours making bows that actually came out cute and show others how to do it. One of the ladies at the shower offered to hold Keri for me the whole time and that was nice too. I got home about 9:30. It’s fun to go out every once in a while and enjoy some me time. Although, while I was there, I thought how fun it would have been to have Jaime and Alix there and show them how to do it and let them make some bows too and have a sense of accomplishment and the ability to gain a new talent. Maybe next time! By the time Keri went to bed, it was midnight before I closed my eyes.

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