So we’ve had lots of firsts in our marriage and with our children. We just had our newest first. The youngest child of the family is now 3. That has not happened in the last 12 years. Crazy but true.
Keri is such a delight and her birthday was just as delightful. We talked with her for about a week before about how she was now going to be 3 and not 2. We didn’t think she was catching on, but as soon as her birthday rolled around, she proclaimed to everyone that she was 3!
We started the day out with bagels, eggs and laughter. We then went bowling and toy shopping. Gotta love the young ones, you can buy their presents right in front of them and they don’t get it! We came home and had lunch and I started decorating the cupcakes. I usually do this activity alone since lots of hands can be too much help at times. But after lots of attempts to do it alone, I gave in and let the kids help. I think it came out pretty cute. Can you tell what it is??
Keri wanted me to make duck cupcakes. I couldn’t come up with a simple way to do that so we did this pond/ocean with a beach around it. We had fun. I did make the duck though, do you see it?? I also thought the upside down duck came out pretty good too! :o)
Present time!
Thanks Emilie for the doll!
I just loved this picture!
Her new crocks from Roberta (a.k.a. Beeea). Roberta has gotten her new crocks each year for her birthday. What a fun tradition. The only one of my children who will actually wear them.
I missed the blowing out of the candles. My neighbor Ian got a picture. I’ll have to post it here when I get it. But she did a good job. Only took her two tries.
Loves her cupcake!
Aren’t my girls beautiful??
After convincing Keri that we needed to have a real dinner, not cupcakes for dinner, she said she wanted hot dogs and french fries. So that is what we had. Then off to bed. She had a long day and going to bed was sweet bliss for everyone!
My 3 favorite things about Keri:
-Her laugh and smile. She just makes you want to smile and laugh when you are around her.
-She keeps me on my toes. She has done EVERYTHING the other kids never did. She keeps me guessing for sure!
-Her love. She will randomly come up to me and say ‘I wuv you mommy’ and give me a big hug and kiss. She is SO sweet. When she does something wrong she comes to me with big puppy eyes and says ‘Sorry’ then hangs her head and walks away. It really melts my heart and keeps her from getting into trouble most of the time!
We love you Keri. Can’t wait to spend another year watching you learn and grow. What a sweetie you are!!
Happy Birthday Keri!!
Happy belated birthday! :)
They are all getting SO big,Sami!
I don’t have your e-mail, but i wanted to ask you about starting homeschooling. :) I’ve been thinking about it for quite sometime and Eli is starting to ask for it at home! Which i’m really excited about. He just turned 4 in April, but he seems so advanced. He is already really eager to read. I was wondering if you could recommend a kindergarten curriculum. My budget for the year is about $400.
my e-mail is lizzie_ann2009 at
thanks! I hope your family is doing well.