Sami's World


Normal Routine

on August 21, 2008

I’m back! I guess my goal of a daily entry has gone by the wayside. I hope to do better in the future.

Wednesday August 13 was an at home day. We did all our “normal” at home stuff. Li-Li came over in the afternoon and we did more apples together. When we realized it was too hot to hang out at my house, we went to her apartment and went swimming. Around 5 we left and I came home and started bathing kids and getting them ready for a wedding reception. As soon as Scott got home he changed, helped me finish preparing and then we left. We went to the Montalvo home and enjoyed a nice gathering and some wonderful food. It was fun to mingle with other church members and congratulate the happy couple. We got home about 9:15 and put the kids right to bed.

Thursday was our normal piano/swimming day. We stayed at swimming extra long. I was going to leave early to sign up Jaime for dance class but we were having so much fun that I left, signed her up and then went back. We didn’t leave for home till 5:15pm. It was a fun day, but a long day. The kids were pretty tired and fell asleep on the way home. I tried to convince them otherwise but they didn’t listen!! So by the time we got home they were wired! Laura made me a pie crust again and so I made another apple pie, this one came out better but was underdone. I’ll get it right eventually. Jaime learned about pie crust making and wants so bad to try one at home. I’m all for it, it’s just a matter of doing it! We had a fast dinner of spaghetti and dessert of apple pie. It was great! The kids were ready for bed and so were we!

Friday was another laid back day. Playing with each other, with the neighbors and doing our school and chores. I had planned a Costco date with Li-Li and so as soon as Scott got home I said goodbye and Niah and I went to pick up Li-Li. It was super fun and I stocked up on my Costco essentials. Since I only make it there about once every 3-4 months, I really stock up when I go. We went to Lion Market for some fresh meat and veggies. I dropped off Li-Li and came home. It was 9:30pm. Niah was wired and did not want to go to sleep but she finally calmed down and went off to slumber land. I fed Keri and put her to bed and then I stayed up a little too late reading a book. It was fun though.

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