Sami's World


Super long update, but worth reading! :0)

on June 9, 2007

I realized that it has been quite a while since I’ve added anything about our lives. I suppose at the end of the day the last thing I want to do is document what has happened that day, although that should be one of the most important things. Having cleared my guilty conscience, here is the update.

Saturday, June 2 a very dear friend of mine was getting married. She was 14 years old when Scott and I got married and I have watched her grow into a beautiful young lady. Denise has been an absolute joy to know. She learned to drive stick shift in our beat up old truck, she swam in Grandma and Grandpa’s pool and she “taught” me how to raise girls that would be girls! It was a joy to be a part of her special day. A few weeks before she invited us to attend her first temple session (Scott was not in any condition to go). That was such a wonderful experience. She then invited us to attend her sealing (again, Scott is still not ready for such activities!). It was a wonderful experience to watch this young couple and remember my feelings and impression when we were their age and getting sealed. After all the wonderful spiritual time was over, I headed down to the church to help out with the catering. Our wonderful friend Gayle was catering the wedding and I volunteered to help her (she is so amazing to work with). The food was wonderful and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening of “work”.

The next morning proved to me that I’m not as young as I used to be! I was VERY tired and VERY sore. To top it all off, we had an…….adventure. Niah and I play this very silly game. I’ll race her half way up the stairs, she gets “too tired” and so I drag her up the rest of the way. She laughs and giggles because of the bumpy steps. So we were doing our stair ritual when she started screaming. I picked her up and she said her arm hurt. Now, having experienced similar things when Jaime was a toddler, I just figured she had popped her elbow out of joint. I tried to pop it back in (I learned how when Jaime had the problem) but it didn’t seem to work. So we called our favorite chiropractor (he’s a member of our ward) and he said to bring her on over. She was screaming the entire time. He checked her out and proclaimed nothing was wrong with her elbow. It was getting very close to being church and so we all went to church. We waited till Sacrament was over and then we went out to the parking lot and he continued to look at her arm. She just kept screaming and crying just to touch it. Finally he proclaimed the only thing he could do was put a “bandaid” on it and see what happens in the next few days. She perked up a little when he said bandaid. He wrapped up her arm similar to what Scott’s looked like for a while. As soon as he was done she stopped her crying and weeping and wailing. We went back into church and she had enough strength to push her brother out of the way to get to the book she wanted. Then after church she told Scott she needed to do her hand excersises. By the time lunch was over she said she no longer needed her bandaid and could I please take it off. Interpret that one on your own…..

Monday we had two appointments at the same time. Scott got dropped off at his VERY early so I could make it to Niah’s in enough time. Both appointments went well and we got home in enough time for lunch and naps. Then we spent the next few hours cleaning as good as we could. The pest control guy had to come again because the spiders were still taking up residence in our corners and some of them had babies…..lots of them. The pest guy shows up and we left for a couple of hours. When we got back we finished up a few things, made dinner and welcomed the missionaries as our dinner guests. It was a fun day and evening.

Tuesday, Scott had another appointment. I dropped him off and went to a nearby friends house for a couple of hours. That was fun and I enjoyed her company. Again we got home just in time for lunch but too late for naps. So we just did some more cleaning and school and delcared the evening as family time.

Wednesday was Jaime and Alix’s last P.E. till after summer and Milo had an eye doctor appointment and it was Jaime’s dress rehearsal. So, we left the house at 10 am. We went to Jaime and Alix’s P.E. class, had an award ceremony and then a picnic lunch. I bailed about 12:45 to take Milo to his appointment while a friend agreed to take Jaime and Alix home after the festivities were done. Milo’s eye appointment went good. The pressure in his right eye is better but the left eye is worse. The doctor said that he wants to do surgery but that the risk is too high right now and so he will just continue to keep a close eye (no pun intended) on him. The doctor also said that Milo is ready for glasses. However, that poses a problem too. Because his eyes are not protected and he really doesn’t have a nose bridge, he will not prescribe any glasses bacause the risk of damaging the eye balls are greater than his need for glasses right now (the eyes would have constant contact with the glass). That ought to prove interesting when I decide to start teaching him to read. We shall see. I got home in enough time to cook dinner and get Jaime ready. Her dance rehearsal went very well and it got us all pumped up and ready.

Thursday Scott was suppose to have a P.T. appointment but it got cancelled. I left and went to the park anyway and gave Scott some time alone so he could do a little bit of work from home. After coming home we did school and more cleaning. We were suppose to have the Sister missionaries for dinner. When they were a half hour late we decided not to make the kids wait any longer and fed them. An hour after they were suppose to come they showed up. They didn’t know we had moved and went to our old house. When they got there the people recieved them really well and so they taught them. It was a cool story. We warmed their dinner in the microwave and talked with them as they ate. Then they played a game with the kids (Restoration memory) and then gave a wonderful spiritual thought before leaving. It was a great evening.

Friday was park day. When we got to the park the fire department was there doing their annual hose check. So the kids watched the firemen roll out hoses and spray them and pressure check them. They did that for a good hour before starting their play. We ended up staying for four hours. It was a nice morning/afternoon. Scott was able to get quite a bit of work done. After naps and school we got Jaime ready for her dance recital. We had a babysitter come and watch the three youngest. Scott went to the recital with Alix and I helped backstage. It was a fun evening and a GREAT performance. I heard multiple people from the audience say that Jaime’s class did the best. They did two numbers. One tap to the song “Hello Dolly” and a jazz number to a song called “We got the Beat”. Both were very good and very fun dances.

That brings us to today. We all slept in this morning, we didn’t get up till 7:15 am! It was bliss. We spent the morning cleaning and then getting ready for Jaime’s last recital. I went again but this time to sit in the audience. Everyone was right, Jaime’s class did an absolutly wonderful job. It was AMAZING. for the Hello Dolly song the girls all joined hands and did kicks. They were ALL in sync. It looked awesome. Anyway, all the dancers did great and it was fun to watch. After coming home we just let the children run ramped. We had such a busy week we just let them play and enjoy being siblings. Scott and I just puttered around the house, did some reading and computerizing. Then we remembered there was an adult meeting at church tonight. Scott said he didn’t think he could sit through the meeting because his back was hurting and encouraged me to go. I decided I should and went. The speakers were wonderful but there were a couple of people I spoke with afterwards and the things they said were more of what I needed.

A recent convert was sitting on the back row and I went up to say hi and see how he was doing. He asked me how Scott was I told him he was doing much better. Then he told me ‘I remember when I first heard about what happened to Scott I thought how lucky you both are. How wonderful it must have been for you to really know and understand what it means to endure through sickness and health. What a great opprotunity the Lord gave you to build a stronger relationship with your husband through nursing him back to health. What a wonderful experience.’ What he said touched me so much, I cried. He was right. Every bit of what he said was right. I do feel as though the bond between Scott and I has strengthed in a way that could only have happened through such a trial.

I said hi to a new couple in our ward and they too asked how Scott was. Again I said he was doing fine and the wife said to me ‘It’s amazing how the Lord knows what we need. Sometimes we just put too much on our plate and the Lord throws something at us and we need to clear that plate in order to take care of what the Lord needs us to.’ Again she was so right. I feel that I was keeping myself VERY busy with things outside the home. One thing this has done is force me to be home taking care of my family and their needs. What a blessing that has been.

Lastly, when I got out to my car a sister from our ward was upset. She had dropped her keys down the side of the seat and could not retrieve them. She had a few other older sisters at her side but none seemed to know how to help her. I slipped my small hands down the side of the seat and retrieved the keys for her. It was a joy to see her relief and gratitude.

It was a great night for me. I was glad to have attended the meeting, but I was even more glad to have been uplifted by my fellow saints. I’m grateful for the gospel and for Heavenly Fathers love. I’m grateful for the wonderful people he puts in my path to uplift me and sustain me. He knows me. He knows my trials and my desires and in all ways wants to see me experience joy. Not joy as the world gives but as He gives.

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