Sami's World


Updates on the Kids

on August 14, 2008

Jaime has lost three teeth in three weeks. It seems like a lot to me, but that is how she was with getting her teeth. She was late getting her teeth but then she got 4 in one week. Anyway, she is making out like a bandit from the tooth fairy! She is so good in the water. She is confident enough now that she is doing “tricks”. She’ll do a handstand, somersault and a cartwheel into the pool. She has gotten really good at her diving and she loves to take Afton in the pool and play with her. It is fun to watch her be a mama!! She is doing well with her piano. Her piano teacher told me today that Jaime is doing very well and has such a delicate touch. She is very impressed with Jaime’s progress and doesn’t hesitate to tell me about it. Jaime is very good and LOVES to practice. I never thought I’d get tired of hearing her practice but I have on occasion asked her to stop!

Alix is losing teeth too! She has lost one and has another one loose. She is also getting her teeth back and looking very grown up. Alix is getting very confident in the pool too. She was never big on swimming until this year. She is jumping in, putting her face in the water, swimming under water and even going to the deep end. She too loves to take Afton in the water and tries to help her go under water. It’s very cute. Alix has a cute friend that lives two houses down. She is a 5 year old girl and worships Alix. Alix is enjoying it very much. Her name is Sophie and she will do anything Alix asks her to do. Sophie has even helped Alix with her chores. Her parents love the relationship because they feel that Alix is a good influence on Sophie. It’s a cute relationship.

Milo is not so confident in the pool but is still enjoying it none the less. He has ventured out on his own a couple of times, but mostly splashes on the steps. He is progressing in his reading and would be doing a lot better if it wasn’t for me slacking so much! The other day he was rubbing Keri’s cheek and said, ‘Mom, Keri’s skin feels like peanut butter’! Her face has broken out pretty bad with acne and cradle cap. I found his description very funny. While we were installing the flooring, the girls made a fort to play in. Milo had climbed on the fort and was threatening to jump on top of it. The girls were crying and yelling and carrying on. Scott and I went in to ask what was going on. It was explained to us and we informed Milo to leave his sisters alone and stop tormenting them. He looked at us very seriously and said ‘But I’m Santa Clause and I HAVE to go in through the roof’. I dunno what to do with that boy!

Niah is getting so big. She is having the hardest time adjusting to Keri. She is acting more like a baby every day. She constantly wants to snuggle and talks like a baby. We are working through this but she hasn’t “found” her place yet and we are sad that we can’t help her more. We try to give her as much attention as we can, but no one can ever get ALL the attention they want. I do try and give her many opportunities to take care of Keri and she does take that role seriously and does a good job. She is so smart. She loves to “do school” with the others and will be eager to learn as soon as I’m able to do it. She is another born dancer. She constantly is dancing and singing. I can’t wait to enroll her in dance. She will out cute them all! She is still our little fish. She is not afraid of the water and is the master at swimming all around the pool with her little swim jacket on.

Afton is almost 2 and sure is showing it. She has definitely entered the “terrible two’s”. This is a hard stage because they are so darn cute and fun to be around as long as things are going the way they want them too. As soon as there is opposition Afton is not happy and is not afraid to show it! She follows Niah around like a shadow. They are two pea’s in a pod. They play so cute together and love each other a lot. There is the occasional spat, but that is to be expected. She had stayed completely away from the water until a couple of weeks ago. Now she loves to go in the water, but only if Jaime or Alix is with her. It’s very cute.

Keri is growing too fast. She will be 2 months old on August 15. She coo’s and laughs and “talks” to us all the time. She loves to smile and is quick to do so. She loves to talk to her mobile that is attached to the swing. When we put her in there she looks up and smiles and starts cooing and talking and smiling. She will push up pretty far on her hands when we lay her on her tummy. She holds her head really well and with a little support she will stay in a sitting position for a couple of minutes. She is sleeping like a champ at night and takes a couple good naps during the day. She does not like a dirty diaper and insists we change it right away. She is wearing 3-6 month clothes with no problem and has plenty of rolls too. She is getting really good at her grip and will be playing with toys here pretty soon. The funniest thing to watch is when she gets really excited and starts flailing her arms and hits herself in the eye with one of her hands. Then she’ll get this look like ‘who did that’. It’s too funny. She also loves to play peek a boo.

2 Responses to “Updates on the Kids”

  1. Jennifer says:

    Your family sounds so cute. I found some similarities with the younger ones. The terrible two’s are here too and of course carries over to the three’s too. And Milo cracks me up. It is so funny how boys are so boys! Wish I had one.

  2. Jennifer says:

    I tagged you on my blog. Have fun.