Sami's World


And in other news….

on May 31, 2011

Scott’s days as a Googler are over. It’s a decision that has been long in the making. Google is a GREAT company. They have taken good care of us the last 5 years. But it was time. The company was changing and it wasn’t going in the direction we wanted our family to go.

Friday May 20 was his last day of work. Scott resigned on very good terms. They were sad to see him go. The emails came in all week telling him how much he is missed. One person even asked him why no one else could do his job. He’s already had a few job offers and has felt very honored by all the praise. He deserves it though. He’s a good worker who is respected for what he does and who he is. I’m blessed to be his wife.

Now what?? This decision has not come lightly either. We fasted and prayed about this for a long time. But we finally realized the best course for our family and got confirmation that it was a good decision. Scott is going back to school. First class starts today! He’s wanted to go to school for a long time. But with little babes in the home, a demanding job and demanding wife, we just couldn’t fit it in. So why not now?? His full time job is going to be school. He is planning on doing 2 different programs at a couple of different schools. Plus some certifications and some other brush up classes. At the end of 18 months he should be educated enough to….. Ok, we haven’t gotten that far!! :o)

Here’s to the end of Chapter Google in our lives and the beginning of Chapter School. Life is good!

2 Responses to “And in other news….”

  1. Denita says:

    Um. wow. HUGE news. As you should know by now, always excited for your new adventures. I hope this one works out as well as the last!!

  2. Lori Higgins says:

    Wow! What an exciting step! I know everything will go really well for you all. I know what it is like to make a big step in your life. Congrats! MIss you all!