We had an amazing opportunity a couple of weeks ago. On Sunday May 22, Elder M. Russel Ballard of the quorum of the 12 apostles came and spoke to just our stake.
The experience was just like it was 15 years ago when I saw President Gordon B. Hinkley for the first time in Marriot Center at BYU. A profound difference in the spirit of the room happened as soon as Elder Ballard walked in. He walked right by our bench and our kids waved to him. He shook a few hands and went up to the stand.
The meeting was amazing. We heard so much council and direction. The stake president was on the stand as well as the temple president and the mission president. So many amazing men all in one room and us in the same room. Awesome!!
The kids REALLY wanted to shake his hand. After the meeting he waved goodbye and went out the side door. I told the kids if they wanted to see him, to go out the door closest to us and they’d see him. They did just that. They got to shake his hand and he asked them their names. He even complimented Milo on his suit and “future missionary” badge that he wears.
The kids were floating for the rest of the afternoon. They thought it was pretty darn cool that they shook an apostles hand. Especially Alix. She was the most moved by the whole thing. Jaime, unfortunately, missed the mission thinking her job was to get to the car for going home (our usual course of action) and we didn’t send Keri. So 4 of our 6 children had this wonderful experience.
What a glorious time we live in. The gospel is real. The priesthood is real. The Holy Ghost is real. God loves us. All of us. How blessed we are!!
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