Sami's World


Fun Times

on May 29, 2007

Saturday was a super fun day. We woke up late (well, the kids did). We did a “big” breakfast; eggs, pancakes, sausage and juice. Then we showered and dressed everyone and headed to the park. We went to the city sponsered Kids-n-kites festival. It was really fun. About 20 booths set up giving away free stuff in attempts to get you to buy stuff. They had 4 bounce houses set up and one slide, all free and they had a stage set up where there were magic shows, bands and Jaime’s dance Class. If you ask Jaime is was the scariest thing she has ever done. She said ‘dancing in front of the whole City of Fremont was way scary!!’ She did a great job though and so did all the other girls. We got some free kites and were going to fly them after Jaime’s performance, but Scott was too wore out and so we came home. He took a nap and I took the kids to the nearby park and we flew the kites. It was fun. After we got home, a cute couple from our ward showed up with dinner. Chinese food, yummmy!! After a late dinner and some aloe (we all got a little sunburned) we put the kids to bed.

We got up nice and early Sunday morning. The missionaries had called us and asked us to pick up an investigater and her young daughter. Since we had to leave a little earlier we got up earlier. We got to her home and she said the little girl had been up all night with fevers and such. She said I couldn’t do anything for her, but I told her I’d pick her up for Enrichment on Wednesday. She seemed excited about that, I hope she makes it. Scott decided he’d go to church all three hours. He teaches a Sunday school class and so he went prepared to do that. We got to church and the place was PACKED. A young man from our ward was having his going away. Not only did his whole extended family come, but half the stake. They have lived here for 25 years and know most everyone. It was an awesome meeting filled with the spirit. Scott was pretty uncomfortable through the whole thing but did well. After church Scott was pretty wore out and came home and slept for 2 hours. I went out and did my visiting teaching and then took the girls to a baptism. Katie Grant got baptised (she is the only girl Jaime’s age in the ward). Jaime was very excited for her friend to get baptised. Once we got home we ate left over Chinese food and put the kids to bed.

Monday was low key. Scott really wanted a bbq, but with everything else going on, I just didn’t have the energy to do that. He was a good sport about it and I promised him a bbq really soon. We spent the whole morning doing our Saturday chores. The kids worked really well and really fast. After that, the little ones went down for naps and I did school with Jaime and Alix. When everyone woke up we went to Great-Grandpa Sutherland’s grave. It was nice to take the kids and give them a little talk about memorial day. Unfortunatly the little kids get mixed up about which grandpa we are visiting and I’m pretty sure they think Grandpa Thompson is dead. After that we had dinner and put Milo to bed, he was pretty tired. The girls and I went down the street to visit with one of the new neighbors we have met. They have two little girls ages 4 and 2. It was fun to play with them a little bit and get to know them better. Then it was off to bed.

Tuesday, today, was a busy morning. Scott had physical therapy so I loaded the kids’ bikes in the car and, after dropping Scott off, took them to Lake Elizabeth. We walked around the lake. It is about 2 miles and it took us an hour. It wouldn’t take so long but Niah is slow but steady. She doesn’t stop too often but doesn’t find it necessary to go to fast either. So I stay with her. The bigger kids go ahead and then stop and wait for us. It’s not much exercise for me, but it’s great exercise for the kids. That’s a good thing too, it helps to wear them out. We did our family home evening tonight since it was crazy last night. We did a lesson on proper phone skills. The girls love to answer the phone but don’t always do it correctly. So we got play phones out and did role playing. I think they enjoyed it. I hope the lesson sticks!

Scott is doing really well. He is trying to get into work tomorrow for a couple of hours. He needs to get a new computer and new blackberry (his phone got trashed during the accident and who knows what happened to the computer). Someone was going to give him a ride in and then I was going to go pick him up, but his ride got called out of town. Anyway, if I can swing it I’ll take him to the shuttle tomorrow, if not then he’ll have to go in on Friday instead. He is doing well with his arm. We are still trying to get someone to look at his back and say wether or not he needs any therapy for that. His spirits are still high and he ran out of his pain medication. It’s been 24 hours since his last dose. He seems to be handling the pain quite well. He still uses Tylenol and a muscle relaxer, but those too are going to run out soon (we can always buy more Tylenol I suppose). He is getting a lot of reading done and catching up on some old movies.

The kids are doing well too. They seem to be adjusting to this new lifestyle. They are getting along better, less fighting. They seem to be enjoying life more, they seem less stressed now. However, the first thing Niah says to anyone, stranger or not ‘Know what? My daddy got smooshed by a car’. Then the person always looks to me and I have to say yes and go through the story. It’s ok though, she’s so cute! Niah went almost 48 hours without an accident. She had one tonight. I had gone upstairs to help Jaime and Alix brush teeth and Scott just isn’t able yet. By the time I got down the stairs it was too late. She is trying though and is such a champ about it. Afton is doing well too. She refuses to nurse. She seemed to get right back into it after me being at the hospital all day, but then one day she wouldn’t nurse. She didn’t nurse for three days. Finally I just gave up and went to the bottle. It took her another two days to decide that she wanted it and now she is fine. She has three bottles a day and eats like a champ otherwise. She is still not crawling but it seems like it will happen soon. She just has two many willing hands to pick her up and love her. She got another tooth about a week ago. She now has four top and two bottom. She has the cutes toothy smile.

I guess that is the news. Long and detailed, I hope you all don’t mind. We love the Savior and are happy that we have the gospel in our lives. What a blessing! Much love to all.

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