Sami's World



on March 8, 2011

I was in charge of sharing time for February. I usually try to make sharing time as fun as can be. Not only for the kids but for me! After all, if I have to teach it, I want to enjoy myself too.

I am usually hit and miss with sharing time but this time around I really felt as though my sharing times went way better than expected. I really felt the spirit leading and guiding me to say and do the things that would have the most impact on the kids.

I guess He was just preparing me for the unknown. He was building up my confidence so that when Sister Cheryl A. Esplin, 2nd counselor in the Primary General Presidency, decided to visit our primary I wouldn’t be too nervous. Saturday February 26 was an interesting day, mingled with a lot of different thoughts and feelings. I finally came to the conclusion that she is just a person like the rest of us and is not there to fire me. With this self assurance, I went forward with my sharing time and planned it all very carefully (maybe even a little more carefully than usual….).

As soon as she walked in the Sacrament room (with the stake primary presidency and the stake president) her spirit filled the room. I could feel her love for us and her desire to serve rather than condemn. It was a VERY nice Sacrament meeting and her thoughts and insights were amazing.

During the closing song I looked up at her and she was looking over the congregation and seemed to scan right over me at the same time I looked at her and, for whatever reason, a sudden panic filled my body and I almost threw up! Many heartfelt prayers were prayed in the next 10 minutes before I was suppose to start my sharing time but alas I went up to the front of the room with so many butterflies that I could hardly speak. The next 15 minutes whizzed by pretty fast and I high tailed it out of the primary room before I had a mental break down.

On my way to my hiding place in the bathroom to calm down, Keri comes walking down the hall with her nursery leader to go to the bathroom. Since I was there I took her and then took her back to nursery and then tried to go to the bathroom but was intercepted by the primary president.

After a few minutes of singing time, Sister Esplin and the stake primary presidency had to go. Sister Esplin was on her way to another ward to visit. As she left she gave everyone a hug and a big smile.

I know that the Lord wanted to teach me a very valuable lesson about being prepared. About allowing the spirit to direct us in our callings at church. I think he also wanted me to learn more about the leadership of the church and how they just love us. They love our efforts and no matter what I would have done for sharing time, she would not have condemned. She would have praised and given us all hugs again. She sat among the children (right next to Milo actually….who happened to NOT be on his best behavior….) and they could feel her love too. The reverence and spirit in the room that day was stronger than I ever remember it being before.

Thank you Sister Esplin for teaching me about the spirit and about love. Thank you for helping me to learn more about my calling and what a special blessing my calling is.

2 Responses to “Primary”

  1. Diana says:

    Oh man, I don’t think I would have ALMOST thrown up, I think I would have thrown up. Good job turning a nerve-wracking experience into a learning experience, I am sure your Sharing Time was amazing!

  2. Denita says:

    I am so sorry you felt so nervous! But I am sure she wasn’t focused on you or how good your sharing time was at all. Isn’t it funny the way we put the general authorities on a pedestal, but really they are just like you and me? In reality you probably affected her positively, maybe something you said or how I am sure she could also feel your spirit and the testimony you live each day.