February offered some fun times for us.
-Painting. I have strong objections to painting. I know, weird huh? But the stuff is so messy and the end results usually end up in the trash eventually and so I’m a bah hum bug! However, about once a year I get this itch to be the best mom ever and I’ll say yes to painting. This was the month. The three littlest girls and our neighbor spent a good hour painting. I spent a good week finding all the spots in the house where hands touched, feet tracked in and clothes that were ruined. BUT, they had fun!
-We had our first bbq of 2011. It was so good and so much fun! We did it as a reward to our kids. Chores have been a little rough around here, so we told the kids if they could get all their chores done by a certain time we’d do anything they wanted for dinner. They wanted a bbq.
-What do you do with a bunch of kids on their day off of school after it has been raining for 4 days straight?? You take them to The Jungle!!
[Alix enjoying some time with my camera!]
[It was my 6+my neighbor’s 2+my friends son. It was such a good time for all of them!]
[Alix’s creation. She did a fabulous job building this wall and had so much fun doing it. She is definitely the creative one!]
As fun as this was, I’d never go and pay full price. It was mostly just a glorified McDonald’s play place. I had a coupon that got 5 kids in for $15. That was the perfect price. I would not pay the full price of $8 a kid.
-We attempted a trip to Happy Hallow while my sister was here. That was a bust. Apparently they are closed on Monday’s in the month of February. Bummer!
-We had some VERY FUN visitors too. Scott’s Auntie Angela, his cousin Jody and her husband Brandon. Not only was it fun to have 3 extra adults around, they were a constant help. I kept hearing ‘What else can I do for you’ for three days! It was music to my ears and we got so much done! Thanks guys! You ROCK!
[Angela trimmed all the girls’ hair (no small feat around here!) and styled their hair every morning she was here. Such cute styles!]
[We’ve been pulling up the bushes in the front yard. Scott removes about 2 a Saturday. With Brandon’s help they removed 5 that Saturday!]
[We made crusts. Pizza crusts. 90 of them! Personal sized of course. It was for the previously mentioned Blue and Gold dinner. Ya know, one of those volunteer things that you realize you have no idea how you are actually going to do it. Then the Lord sends Auntie Angela as a tender mercy and she joyfully volunteers to help me make them all. Serious life saver!]
[Brandon demonstrated how orange zest is flammable. Scott is still geeking out about that one!]
[Brandon got plenty of exercise!]
It was such a great visit. We also had a HUGE ice cream bar the last night they were here and Milo had so much fun tormenting and tying up Brandon that he was sad when they had to leave. Afton found a best friend in Jody and Jaime idolizes Angela. Angela came to primary with me on Sunday and was so fun to have in there. She sat next to Niah (who is in love with Angela, she told me she wanted to live with Angela and would come visit me in the summers!!). Thanks for coming guys! So fun!
-Keri has had some fun this month too. She loves to play mommy. She’ll get a baby and all the baby stuff and feed the baby and comfort the baby and take the baby for a walk. She’ll tell us all the things she is doing while she is doing it. VERY cute!!
We have these neighbors that have a little boy Aris. He is such a fun little boy and about 4 weeks older than Keri. Up till now they just looked at each other but not much playing. They are playing together now. Keri has even asked for Aris a couple of times. It’s very cute and they are getting along so well.
There’s the month! I’m sure I could ramble on more, but I’ve said enough. I just want to say though how much fun it is to be a mom. How much I love my job as a stay at home mom and as a school teacher for my children. I’m not saying it’s easy. I’m not saying we don’t have our days. I’m just saying I love it. When I look back on a month as a whole I can see how it was all worth it! I’m grateful for everything my Heavenly Father has provided me with. I am truly a blessed daughter of my Heavenly Father.
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