Sami's World


Great Neighborhood

on August 11, 2008

Friday morning Laura called me and asked if I wanted to swim. Her son was feeling better and so we went. I hadn’t seen Laura by myself for so long it was nice to get together with just her. We let the kids swim and then we went back to her house so she could “help” me make a pie crust. Actually, she made it and Jaime helped her! I held her baby. After we left there we came home and I made an apple pie. It was fun. Scott came home a little early so Jaime and I could go on a date. Jaime had some money that she had earned and more money that she got for her birthday. She also had a free meal to Denny’s. So we went on a date to have dinner together and go shopping together. We had fun at dinner, she found a SUPER cute dress at the local thrift store (I found two great pairs of jeans) and we tried to find something at Target but she had a hard time deciding. I think she learned also that she doesn’t have to spend her money all in one night. We had a successful date and came home happy and satisfied. Scott did not have as good a time here. The kids were a little wound up from the active day at the pool and tired too. Plus, I left Keri here and she decided that bottles were not her thing and let Scott know! But he’s a great dad and took it all in stride. Both Jaime and I appreciated his sacrifice. It’s a blessing to have such a great person as my husband and my children’s dad. After Jaime went to bed we watched War Games. A 1980’s movie about a computer hacker. It was sooooo good. Scott got it free from work. It’s a movie I’d watch again, it was really good. That put us to bed pretty late, but that was ok, it was worth it.

Saturday morning we got to sleep in a bit. The kids didn’t start coming in till 7:30am and we rolled out of bed by 8. Scott was gone by 9. He was headed to the temple. The kids and I did chores for a little while and then the neighbor kids came over. I made apple butter and apple baby food while the kids did chores and played. It is too funny how things happen. I made a HUGE mess in the kitchen. Things kept “exploding” and by the time I was done, the kitchen was covered in apple. Fortunately I was able to laugh about it as it was happening. While the kids were out playing, one of our neighbors was trimming their bushes. They are older, the guy has cancer, and so the kids went over and helped. Pretty soon there were 9 neighborhood kids helping with the branch/leaf picking up project. They thought it was fun and the couple thought it was great. They were able to take a little break and let the little ones do all the work. And they did a great job. It took about 30 minutes and I didn’t hear a word of complaint out of any of them. We had a round of otter pops when they were done and then went home for lunch. Scott got home about an hour later. He had done some grocery shopping for me on the way home. What a saint! We finished up the few chores we had left and then I started cooking dinner. We were having the missionaries over. Since we were going to have missionaries on Sunday night too, I made a huge batch of chili and just hoped that there would be enough left overs for Sunday night. The dinner turned out great and the missionaries even dedicated 40 minutes of their time to peeling apples with us! After they left we put the kids to bed. Scott worked on his lesson and I fell asleep on the couch with Keri.

One Response to “Great Neighborhood”

  1. Jennifer says:

    I love applebutter. My grandma used to make it and I think that is why it is always has been one of my favorites. I love it on fresh biscuits. YUM. I enjoy reading your blog. Here is my link if you want to take a look.