Earlier this month, our neighbor, Emillie had her birthday. Since my new passion is baking cakes Roberta let’s me practice on her kids’ birthday’s too. Emillie was taking her friends to a showing of the Nutcracker and asked for a Nutcracker cake. I was a little nervous but I think it came out cute.
Roberta had asked me earlier if she could borrow the van to take all the party guests to the Nutcracker. I thought it would be fun to decorate the van windows for the occasion and Jaime volunteered to help.
I forgot to mention in the previous post that at the High Priest’s group party Santa showed up and brought us some holiday cheer. Here are a couple of pictures from the event:
Niah lost two teeth in one day. Her first 2!! On Thursday December 16, I noticed that Niah’s two front bottom teeth looked crooked. Something I hadn’t noticed before. I asked if I could wiggle her teeth. They were definitely loose, but not enough to come out. Then, later in the day, Niah complained that her two front teeth were hurting. So I checked them again. I noticed they seemed a little looser so I wiggled them more. Then she really complained that they hurt. So I looked inside her mouth and realized that one of her bottom adult teeth was already through and it had wedged the baby tooth in. One quick tug and that tooth was out.
After Scott got home and she showed off her tooth to dad, she complained again that the other tooth was hurting. I looked in her mouth and realized the other adult tooth was already in too. So another quick tug and that tooth was out. She said it was pretty painful but was glad they were out. She got $1 for having 2 teeth and having to endure the pain of having them pulled out. She’s even cuter now!!
I’m not sure if my theory is right, but I think her teeth must have been loose before but we didn’t notice it. Then her adult teeth started to grow in and eventually wedge in the baby teeth to the point that they were no longer loose.
We did our annual Christmas caroling. I’m a little concerned that one day my cute girls will be cute teenagers and think that Christmas caroling is no longer cool. But we had another successful year with Jaime singing the loudest of them all.
The houses we caroled to got one of these baby’s:
Scott loves to bake and especially loves to bake his yummy tea rings. We are so blessed that he enjoys this activity so much! So are many others! We had one older lady from our ward tell me that she enjoyed the caroling so much. She said she hadn’t been caroled to in years and it just made her feel so happy. It made us feel happy too. The kids were all smiles and everyone felt the true meaning of Christmas that afternoon. That was a truly happy afternoon for this mom since most of my life is absolute chaos!
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