Sami's World


Christmas Decorating

on December 18, 2010

I now have the wonderful opportunity before me to tell all about our Christmas happenings thus far. It has been a joyous month filled with lots of activities. Few of which I actually took pictures! Too bad too because they were such fun, spiritual uplifting activities.

Our Christmas celebrations started on Monday November 29 when we hauled out all the decorations and commenced the transformation of our living room. This year the nativity went up first. In all years past we put the nativity up after the kids have gone to bed. It’s such a nice set that Scott’s mom gave us our first Christmas and I don’t want to risk it being broken. So we wait till the kids are in bed and nicely display it on the piano. Unfortunately the nativity never made it up last year. In all the hub bub of the what went on, we never got to it. So I vowed that this year it would go up first and it did! The kids were a little disappointed I did not let them help set it up, but they were pleased to set up their own stuffed nativity that my mom made for Jaime’s first Christmas.

From there, Scott got the tree out and I “fluffed” the branches to make them look more natural. Niah really enjoyed helping me this year.

Then the lights,


and finally the walls and mantle.

It was a fun night. One we enjoy each year. Oh yes, we played KOIT the whole time too. Its the “official Christmas station of the Bay Area”!

[Alix made this a few years ago in an art class. She loves to get it out each year!]

[I think the kids enjoy this the most. Reading all the books they haven’t seen for a year!]

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