Sami's World


My inability to slow down

on December 7, 2010

Ok, so I really am trying to slow down, but there are certain times of the year I enjoy being busy and Thanksgiving is one of them. I know, doesn’t make sense, but I just enjoy the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving (not Christmas though!). So I made sure my life was good and busy this Thanksgiving. Didn’t want to let myself down!

On Tuesday night (November 24) Louis was due in. He had decided to join the chaos (Thanks Louis). But his flight was delayed and delayed some more and so he actually got here very early Wednesday morning! So I think 7am came VERY early for him. Having 5 additional kids dropped off that morning I think was even more overwhelming for him. But he was good about it and I appreciate that. To add to that already crazy day, I had to have an almost done soup to the homeless shelter and Roberta’s kids came over too.

We really did have a good day. All 13 kids played quite nicely together while I ran around managing the chaos. Kimberly came and picked up the baby about 2pm and we headed to Great Jump. It was relaxing to contain all the children in one place while I chatted with Audrey and Louis. After getting home, Sophie and Emilie went home and I made some dinner for the kids.

The rest of the night went as follows:
Jaime started pie crusts about 5pm. About 6pm Louis left (I think to his relief) and went on a date with Rayne Adams-Hart. The Eyre’s left at 7pm. Our kids were asleep by 8pm. Scott went out for some last minute shopping while I worked on pies for Thanksgiving dinner. Louis and Rayne came home and we talked and laughed and enjoyed each other’s company till midnight. 5am was going to come mighty early!!

[This is how I look after only 4 hours of sleep!!]

Thanksgiving morning came early and I loved it! I had the stuffing in progress and Scott had the rolls in progress by 7am. Turkey’s went in at 8. I learned a VERY good lesson about putting two turkey’s in the same pan. Doesn’t work! Turkey’s can’t touch anything, they need the total air circulation to cook thoroughly. Lesson learned!

Everyone got their hands dirty. Louis was the potato man. He had some help from Milo! Jaime did the watergate salad and green bean casserole. Alix was in charge of the sweet potatoes and fruit salad.

Everyone helped with the appetizers and we used the neighbors oven to keep things warm and get everything done at the same time.

We had dinner on the table by 12:45pm. We ended up having 9 adults and 13 children. We had our family, Louis, Roberta and Fam, Li-Li and Fam and Krissy and Fam. It was super fun.

After eating way too much food we played Catch Phrase and talked and laughed. Then we cleaned up a bit and had pies and then cleaned up again. Everyone was pretty much gone by 5pm. It was a fun afternoon and we enjoyed all of our company and all of the good food and the warm house!

Funny thing. After 2 days of constant chaos, at 6pm Thanksgiving night, after Louis left on another date (this time with Hannah Bambrough), I thought, wow my house is pretty quiet with only 6 kids and 2 adults. Funny how life can change your perspective sometimes!

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