So Milo had been complaining about a hurt tooth for a couple of months. We do have very good hygiene but sometimes I wonder if we get those back teeth as good as we should. So I just encouraged him to brush better back there and make it a priority to focus on that spot. It seemed to get better and he didn’t say anything for a couple of weeks. Then we got grandma’s Halloween package in the mail and he bit into his first piece of candy and yelped in pain.
The next morning, October 27, I made an appointment with the dentist. They did x-rays and an exam and he said the teeth looked great. He said he could tell that we did a great job taking care of his teeth. From the x-rays all looked fine but for some reason the gums were swollen and he thought that perhaps a piece of food got up there and we needed to treat him for a gum infection and aggressively go after whatever was stuck under his gums.
So for 10 days we brushed and flossed 3 times a day and he took an antibiotic. But alas, on the day of the appointment it didn’t look any better. So the dentist decided that the x-rays were not good enough and he took one more. That angle of x-ray showed an abscess tooth and it had to be removed right then.
Um, ok. He’s had LOTS of dental work done and had surgeries that were a lot more painful than a little ole tooth being pulled. Ok, maybe not! Ever had a tooth pulled? Apparently it’s not that easy or fun! I wasn’t even allowed to watch. I guess they just yank and yank hard.
He was brave though. They tried to give him some laughing gas but I think that made it worse because it made him nauseous. I also don’t think they waited long enough for the numby stuff to take effect. So for a good 5 minutes he was not a happy boy. But by the time we left the dentist office he thought he was the coolest boy on earth.
[I had NO idea how long tooth roots were. Wow! The tooth fairy generously left 3 gold dollars for a job well done!]
***As a side note, it happened to be one of the molars that Milo’s hallo was attached to during his surgery in January. Can’t help but think that contributed to the weakness of the tooth.***
However, right in the middle of them pulling Milo’s tooth I get a text from Scott saying I HAD to come pick him up. That was after 2 ignored phone calls. So the whole time I was helping Milo I was worried about Scott.
Turns out he was walking between buildings and tripped over a wire ring that goes on a hub cap. He landed full force on his knees and elbows and felt very stiff and hurt. So as soon as we were done at the dentist I zipped over to Scott’s work and picked him up. So Milo and Dad spent the rest of the day comparing wounds. Here’s to boys and their accidents!
Wow Milo is AWESOME!! I hope both your boys feel better!
Oh- and I just realized the I never wished Niah a Happy Birthday last Friday!! I know the post is still a ways off, but I hope she had a wonderful day!!!