Sami's World


Many Blessings

on November 22, 2010

Certain times in my life I am more aware of my blessings than at other times. The day of the ward Halloween party was one of those days that I felt VERY blessed.

Like I always do, I way overbooked our schedule but felt that each thing I booked was important and righteous. I am continually reminded of Elder Uchtdorf’s talk in general conference about slowing down and not filling our schedules but I couldn’t trim anything out of this day and asked Heavenly Father for his help in making it go smoothly.

Each thing was scheduled to the minute and any wrong move would have messed up the entire day’s schedule. Amazingly enough each activity that we attended/fulfilled ended 30-60 minutes sooner than originally planned. Giving plenty of time to get to the next thing with time in between to finish other things.

So when we showed up at the church that night for the Halloween party I was prepared spiritually for the disaster that was awaiting us.

For the first time in 3 1/2 years, I backed into something with the van. I take comfort in knowing that it’s been that long and this was one of those freak things. I was backing into a space in the church parking lot before the Halloween party and there was this tree behind me. Unfortunately there was a little nob on the tree that hit the very top of my back window just right and shattered the whole thing.

However, because of the spiritual preparedness given to me by my Heavenly Father, I was able to handle the situation with happiness and ease. I told the kids we were going to go into the church and have a fabulous time and we could deal with the broken window later.

Scott did go out and put a garbage bag over it just in case it rained. Other than that, we didn’t let the broken window ruin the wonderful day we had experienced thus far and the fabulous Halloween party! About a week later we had it repaired. Good thing too, it rained the next day!

One Response to “Many Blessings”

  1. Denita says:

    Well I bet you’ll never use that parking spot again! I love your perspective on life– and your courage to BACK in the van!! :-)