Sami's World


October Highlights

on November 9, 2010

After getting back from Utah, I decided to take it easy. Here are some fun things we did in October:

-Jaime, Alix and Niah have really been enjoying their dance classes. I think Alix even made a friend!

-Scott gave blood. I could not. My iron was too low.

-Milo had a follow up appointment with 3 of his major doctors. They said everything looked good and they’d see him in six months.

-Scott had two conferences back to back. No fun, but we all survived!

-Our primary program came off without a hitch. They always do though huh?

-Jaime is the babysitting queen. She carries more money in her wallet than I would ever dream to carry. She said to me the other day ‘Mom, when I don’t have enough money I want certain things so bad. Then when I have the money I look at the stuff again and realize how expensive it is and don’t want it anymore. I guess I’m a tightwad.’ I assured her she was just smart with her money!

-I went to Fresno and helped my sister get her apartment cleaned out so she could function. She did a fabulous job of de-cluttering and I’m so pleased with her ability to let go of things that she had not been able to let go of before.

It was a good beginning of the month and I can’t wait to report on Halloween. We had so much fun this year!

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