**WARNING: Â this is a long one**
This last week has been an interesting one for us. Â Scott stayed home on Monday because he was sick. Â That saved me from finding a babysitter. Â Alix had her pre-op physical (in preparation for her colonoscopy on Friday) in the afternoon and so Scott and the other kids watched movies till I got back.
Tuesday was an at home day filled with cleaning, organizing and school. Â It was a very productive day that was much needed.
Wednesday was a busy day. Â More cleaning in the morning. Â Then Jaime had a friend, Maranda, come over. Â In the afternoon Jaime and Maranda went to her house. Â My friend Camille came over and watched the other kids while I went to our old house to do the final walk through with the owners. Â It was a pleasant meeting. Â They were very pleased with the condition and cleanliness of the home. Â At one point we were checking out the blinds and in the back bedroom, two of the slats on the blinds were bent slightly. Â I told them that it was a rule not to touch the blinds but with kids it’s hard sometimes. Â The owner looked at me and said ‘I have a hard time believing any kids lived here, let alone 4’. Â It was at that point that I broke the news about our 5th child to her. Â She looked even more amazed and just laughed. Â That was a nice compliment. Â There were three things that needed to be fixed in order “pass”. Â We went that night and were only able to accomplish one of them. Â We will return tomorrow morning and finish the rest. Â After coming home I put the little ones down to nap and cleaned up a bit. Â At 4 a little boy came over and I watched him for a couple of hours while his mom went to the dentist. Â Since Alix was going to be having her last meal we asked her what she wanted. Â She said she wanted three peices of peperoni pizza. Â We had already decided to take the kids to chuckie-cheese as a thank you for being so wonderful during the move. Â So we just combined the two. Â We got there at 7:30 and left at 9 pm. Â The kids had a ton of fun and were super exhausted. Â We enjoyed watching them have so much fun and were grateful for the time spent as a family.
Thursday was “the day”. Â Alix had to drink the goo that cleans out her bowels. Â I kept the day totally open with the anticipation that she would be mostly sitting on the toilet and watching movies. Â Grandma Thompson called that morning and asked Alix what she would be doing that day. Â Alix answered ‘sitting on the toilet and going poo!!’ Â I was to give her her fist dose at 10 am. Â She took it with no problem and went right on playing and laughing and running and having a great time. Â By 1 pm I started to get worried. Â What if it wasn’t working? Â I called the doctor. Â He said not to worry about it. Â Give the second dose and see what happens. Â If I have to, give her a third dose. Â So at 3 pm I gave her the 2nd dose. Â Within minutes she ran to the toilet. Â She was in there a good 30 minutes. Â We migrated upstairs so she could sit and watch a movie. Â After we moved upstairs she threw up, poo’d another 30 minutes and then was done for the day. Â She was happy go lucky, ran around, tormented her siblings and was just fine. Â Scott and another brother from church gave her a blessing and she slipped off to slumber land with peace and contentment.
Jaime had a busy Thursday. Â She missed doing school most of this week so we did a catch up day. Â Her friend Maranda wanted her to come play again so she had to get her stuff done before she could go (that was a huge motivating factor). Â We did school from 10 till 3. Â Maranda came at 3 and they were off. Â They went to the mall to a place called Bounce-a-Rama. Â It has tons of those blow up bounce houses and mazes and such. Â Then they went window shopping. Â Then they got ice cream. Â Then they went and rented a movie and went back to Maranda’s house. Â They played for a while, watched the movie, ate dinner and then played some more. Â Jaime got home about 9 pm. Â Jaime and Maranda get along really well, but Maranda is a very busy 8 year old and doesn’t get to have playdates during school time. Â Since this is her spring break she wanted to spend everyday with Jaime. Â Jaime has loved every minute of it!
Today I was up at 6.  I got ready and was out the door with Alix by 6:35 am.  We arrived at the  hospital and did all the registration stuff and lots of waiting.  We talked with lots of doctors and nurses and things seemed to progress pretty good.  We talked with the anestheseologist (sp??) and he was concerned about my problems with anesthesia when I was a baby and so he decided to change his desired method of putting Alix out.  Instead of using the mask he thought it better to put all her medication through an IV.  That would mean Alix would be awake during the insertion of the needle.  That didn’t bother Alix one bit.  She has never cried when she has gotten a shot or her blood drawn.  We were about 1 1/2 hours late getting called in but that was fine.  We got to read this book about dinosaurs that we were both enjoying quite a bit.
The doctor reported that he found 5 polyps.  3 in the rectum  (each about 1-1 1/2 cm), one at the base of the colon (about the same size) and one further up the colon on the right side (this one was big, about 3 1/2 cm).  He was able to remove all of them and is going to get them biopsied.  He said the big one fell off his scope and he was not able to get it out of her.  He said that should not matter, they will all show the same results when biopsied.  So what does all this mean?  Nothing right now.  It just means she had some polyps, that caused bleeding and they may or may not reaccur.  He will have more accurate and concrete information next week when the lab results are in.  After talking with the doctor, I got to go back and see Alix.  She was alert and attentive and eating a popcicle.  She was smiling and asking when she could go home.  She said she felt fine.  After an hour they discharged us.  She slept all the way home and another two hours.  Then she was up and playing and eating dinner with us.  She is totally fine.  She has no stomach ache, no hurt bum and no gas.  She is an amazing girl that was watched over very carefully by a loving Heavenly Father.  We are truely blessed and thankful for that.
The other kids had a fun day too. Â Jaime had a skating party to go to today so my friend Jen (her boys were going to the party too) picked her up and took her. Â They skated and had fun. Â They went out to Mc Donald’s after skating and then back to Jen’s house till I came. Â Milo, Niah and Afton stayed home with my friend Carrie and just played and had a good time. Â I am thankful for such good friends that I can rely on and that are so good to my children. Â It’s nice.
I guess that is all for now. Â We are grateful for good health and good doctors. Â We love you all.
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